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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2019-9-25 19:33:10 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

〈作死不離三兄弟〉又名 三傻大鬧寶萊塢 有獎影評徵文比賽詳情

主辦單位:香港國際釋迦文化中心 及 郭氏影院

影評文章字數 :500字或以上 (中文)
For English : 1000 words or above     

參賽者可直接電郵作品至 drk.submission@gmail.com 或張貼於本主題下

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相關資訊: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-XNPIsI2e2XBAOheTtDSNQ
Kwok's Cinema

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2019-9-29 15:40:13 |只看該作者

“3 Idiots” is a comedy film directed by Rajkumar Hirani in which the friendship of three students who study at an Indian engineering college is a satire about the social pressures and difficulties under the Indian education system. This film is narrated through parallel dramas, one in the present and the other ten years in the past. The film also shows 3 main lessons of life that are unable to be taught by books but by new experiences, curiosity and the strong will for new knowledge.

The film talks about how three best friends from university, Farhan, Rancho, and Raju, are reunited after the long search of their friend Rancho who has a secret that he has been keeping from them since the day they met. The constant flashbacks between their years in university and the present show the process of their bonding and their friendship where they often got into amusing shenanigans involving the Dean of Delhi's Imperial College of Engineering, Viru Sahastrabudhe (nicknamed Virus), and dealt with some serious events that many people encounter in everyday life. The film portrays how Rancho teaches Farhan and Raju to think from a different perspective even though they are seen as “idiots” to the outside world.

The first main lesson of life is that you shouldn’t be rushing to seek success, this would lead to you being even more unsuccessful because if you rush the chances that you are focused is lower than not thinking about achieving great things. Rancho says, “Pursue excellence, then success will find you.”, the fact that the large majority of people are finding success not allowing success to find them as they are unable to achieve excellence. This excellence is when you are focused on the thing that you are passionate about and obsessed about then the success from that area will come to you.

The second lesson is to understand and be able to break down the knowledge you receive not memorize repetitively. Rancho says, “Learning is not memorizing the exact words from the book. Learning is understanding it and being able to explain it in your own words.”, this simple sentence portrays an idea of how modern-day students just memorize everything that they get in touch with but are unable to utilize it into good use. An example of this is when Rancho first appears in the university and uses the simple science which is learned in primary school to seek revenge on the senior student when he “pissed” in front of his dorm. Another example is when he was attending a class when he was asked to define a machine, but his definition was not accepted he was sent out of the classroom. However, he forgot his book and described it to his teacher by saying its features, he says, “Instruments that record analyze summarize organize debate and explain information which is illustrative non-illustrative hardbound paperback jacketed non-jacketed with forwarding introduction, table of contents, index that is intended for the enlightenment, understanding enrichment enhancement and education of the human brain through sensory root of vision,” showing how a simple object could be broken down into different bits which could also be described as creative.
The third lesson is that you should be able to accept failure and learn to cope with failure itself and learn from it. In the film, Jay Lobo, one of the current students in the university, was creating a helicopter drone with a wireless camera to finish an assignment. He encounters Virus and presents him his own creation but due to the lateness and the incompleteness of the creation, he is unable to graduate which breaks his and his family’s heart, and he is unable to cope with such a large failure decides to take his life for it. If anyone takes everything seriously then the suicide rate would increase drastically. The pressures that students receive attending schools worldwide is high. Take Hong Kong as an example, nearly every student would live only for their marks in a test, what school they go to, their job. The typical ideology of Hong Kong people is to get into a good school, get into a job with a decent amount of salary and live up to other people’s expectations. However, not all people are able to be so successful, this is when they are now unable to learn and cope with different failures that they have leading to their miserable death. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Many people die at twenty-five and aren't buried until they are seventy-five.”, this implies the effect that people receive when they are living the life for others. It is unrealistic. The fact that people aren’t allowed to be doing the thing that they want to be is not ethical.

In conclusion, I think the film brings out essential life lessons that are both useful and important to our daily human lives. I consider that the film is successful in every way as it is one of the highest-grossing Indian films overseas. The film also teaches every human being how to live properly and be unique and not live for others but for yourselves.


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Rank: 2

發表於 2019-10-3 14:24:23 |只看該作者
前天參加放生活動,阿Sir 話有徵文比賽,老婆昨天一個勁兒再睇一次3 idiots  ,但未去看清楚參賽資格。

作者 : Yoanna


So,All is well!





  aamir khan可谓是印度的文化宝藏,之前看过一个他的专访,记者直接问他:你觉得你的国家好吗?我是从这里看到这个演员身上的闪闪发光的星星,他说:好,不好,我都不能给我自己的国家下结论,他的不好,我能做的是告诉大家我的看法,他的好,我希望大家也能看到。这是个智者才能显示出的非凡星星吧,也是如此片中男主角令朋友敬重令人嫉妒的傻气,真实纯粹,偏偏被主角全部拥有了这些“傻气”,那种内心的平稳强壮,我是佩服的,真实的对待自己和他人,真谓难能可贵。



电影实则在谈教育,但是也剖析了人生,也在推动着社会。电影也教我们认识什么是朋友,什么是爱情,什么是人生的道理,什么是为了自己热爱的事业去奋斗。“考试有很多,老爸却只有一个,只要你在,我们就在。”这样的话,怎能不为之感动。正如这句“All is well”有些阿甘式的自勉,当你觉得社会不公,真理不在的时候,没事,握紧拳头,敲敲胸口:All is well,一切都不晚。

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2019-11-29 21:47:30 |只看該作者



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Rank: 2

發表於 2019-11-30 21:17:08 |只看該作者
Hi, my name is Hayden. I am here to win an iPhone by writing 1000 words. I hope that my paragraphs interest you. The Three Idiots Movie was really good and I learned a lot of stuff. I hope that you learn from my work too.

     1. I learned that you need to follow your heart. Farhan didn’t follow his heart in the beginning, so he would always get terrible grades. He was very weak. He didn’t have the courage to ask or tell his father that he didn’t want to be an engineer. He actually wanted to be a photographer! So Rancho finally persuaded him to ask his dad.
     2. Nothing is all about money, it is mostly your relationship. Suhas bought an expensive watch for Pia because she was wearing her mom’s old watch. If Rancho didn’t “steal” Pia’s watch and lied to Suhas, Pia wouldn’t have known how bratty Suhas was. If Suhas really liked Pia than he wouldn’t have said that it is embarrassing for him that Pia is wearing an “ancient” watch. Sure he is rich but that doesn’t mean that his girlfriend can’t wear her mom’s old watch.
     3. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Joy put so much pressure on himself that he chose suicide. Raju almost died too if it wasn’t for his good friends. The pressure on Raju made him pick terrible choices. He didn’t want to harm his good friends nor did he want to put pressure on his dad and leave him to die right in front of his eyes. So he chose suicide.  He was lucky he didn’t die too. Jumping off the third floor gives you a huge chance of death.
     4. Proudest does not mean smartest. Chatus was a proud person. He believed that he would get the best grades. He distracted the other people, but Rancho helped them get “revenge”. Chatus didn’t like it when he got into second place instead of first place, but he hated it when his enemy, Rancho, got into first place. He still didn’t learn so he kept on being a proud man, and so in the end he finally admitted that Rancho, the humble one is greater and smarter than him, but unfortunately after all those years when he finally learned to be humble it was too late. So it is better learn from your mistakes earlier than later.
     5. Use your intelligence, don’t just learn it. Rancho actually used the stuff. He used it to help Mona give birth. It is amazing how he turned a vacuum cleaner into a machine that supports the mother give birth. He actually used the tiny things he learned, combined them together and then created a new human being.
     6. Follow excellence, success will chase you.  Rancho was the one and only one who did that. He didn’t care if he would get in first place or not, he just did it. Chatus wanted to get the first place, but when he didn’t.  He got all upset and stuff.  When Rancho was helping Mona, he didn’t care if he got kicked out of the school or not, he just wanted to help Mona. He got friends because he concentrated on being nice and kind to his friends, he didn’t just concentrate on what he got from them. Chatus on the other hand was the complete opposite of Rancho. He didn’t care what kind or if he had any friends at all. He just concentrated on being big and wealthy.  Chatus wanted to get wealthy so right? So if he knew earlier that Rancho was the famous scientist, then when they met again his attitude would have been much kinder. Rancho got Viru’s pen because he didn’t focus on getting the pen, he focused on being an engineer. Chatus on the other hand, focused on getting the pen, and so he didn’t follow excellence so success didn’t chase him.
   7. True friends are always on your side. When Farhan refused to tell his dad that he didn't actually want to become photographer, Rancho did a dangerous dare just to get his friends what they actually wanted. Anyone can tell that Rancho actually likes his friends, but on the other side, Chatus continuously mocks and jeers them. Anyone can tell that Chatus doesn't like them.
     8. If you are in trouble, you can always depend on your friends. Your friends are always there when you need them. Just like Rancho, Pia and Farhan. They were there to help when Raju’s dad almost died... in-fact they were the ones who saved him.  Rancho was the one whom got the call first, then he sprang to action. Friends help friends right? Rancho was annoying Pia, but she still agreed to help. At first when Raju just got to the hospital he went on and on about how using a scooter was not a good idea, but when the doctor came out and told Pia that if another minute was lost then Raju’s dad could have died, so it was a good idea to bring him to the hospital on a scooter instead of waiting for the ambulance. Until then did Raju realize how good of a friend they were.
     9. Nothing is all about winning or losing. Chatus was all winning, so even if he is in second place he would make a big fuss over it. Rancho, on the other hand, was getting it done and doing it. Farhan and Raju wanted to get good grades and perfection, so they got the opposite. They cared if they lost, but Rancho didn't so he learned. You can’t learn if you’re all about winning. Your grades will worry you just like they worried Farhan and Raju. Tests are supposed to help you learn, not for worrying about your grades. I used to do that too!!!  Now I know that that was a silly habit.
     10. Treat your friends with care. You would know when your friend is a real friend or not. You could feel it. Real friends would actually care for you. If they just give you things to you or just praises you but doesn't care what happens to your relationship, then they are not real friends. Raju had that problem. He didn't like Rancho and Farhan at first, but after they saved his dad, they proved to him that they really did care.
     11. Understand what you learn. Chatus and the librarian, were typing Chatus’s speech, when the librarian gave him a warning. The librarian asked if he would like to read over it and understand, but Chatus refused. Chatus even told the librarian that there is no need to read over it and understand it, because all he has to do is memorize it and make the headmaster proud. On the day when he was going to present his speech, he insulted the headmaster and his professors unknowingly. He got his consequence. I would always read over my speeches or written projects a few times to myself before presenting it to my class. If you use the least amount of effort possible, it always leads to more difficult situations.
     12. Try making friends...not enemies. Chatus loathes Rancho, But Rancho doesn't care. Chatus doesn't even try to make friends because he thinks that he is Viru’s favourite student already. When Rancho first went to the school, he tried to be as optimistic about making friends. He tried to be nice but fair, but of course if there is love than there will be hatred. When they grew up, and when Chatus saw Rancho again, Chatus mocked him saying that he was an elementary school teacher. He bragged about how he has an assistant that is a famous engineer. Then when he realized that Rancho was the famous engineer, he pleaded for forgiveness.
13. Pay attention to what you are doing. Chatus didn't pay attention when giving his speech, so he got his consequence, Viru and the other directer beat him up. At first Raju didn't realize the good qualities that Rancho had...he didn't realize until Rancho saved his dad. Then Raju got his dream job, Raju realized Rancho’s awesome qualities. He just had to pay attention to the people beside him. Farhan didn't realize how badly he wanted the photographer job until Rancho secretly mailed his letter, and when Rancho persuaded him to plead his dad to let him switch jobs, and to buy him a brand new camera. All he needed to do was to pay attention to what he wanted to do more, just like Raju. Chatus didn't realize how to be guilty until Rancho became a scientist. Not just any scientist, but a famous one too! Chatus bragged about how he is doing business with a famous scientist. All that time he didn't know Rancho was the famous scientist, until one day he realized Rancho was the famous scientist, had he be able to ever feel guilty. He didn't pay attention so he got his consequence, he lost his fortune.

     I really do hope you liked the stuff I wrote down in front of you, and I also hope it teaches you. I want to thank you for giving me a chance for winning a phone. I really appreciate it! And again Thank You!

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