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A young man, caught a mouse one day, sold it to a local pharmacy, he got a copper coin. He walked the garden, over heard that the gardeners say they were thirsty, he had an idea. He used his coin to buy a little syrup, he mixed it with water and the gave it to the gardeners. The gardeners who drank the water, each of them gave him a bouquet of flowers. He went to the market and sold the flowers, he got eight coins.
One day, a storm came, an orchard was damaged badly by the strong wind, it was full of broken tree branches and rotten leaves. The young man approached the gardener, and said: "If you can give these snags and leaves to me, I am willing to put the orchard clean." The gardener was very happy and replied: "Yes, you take it!" The young man with eight coins went to buy some candy, he gave it to a group of children playing nearby, and asked the children to help him to pick up and collect all the damaged branches and leaves. The young man then went to see the Royal kitchen workers said he wanted to sell a bunch of firewood, the kitchen workers paid 16 coins to him and bought the pile of firewood.
The young man began to to use his 16 copper coins to seek a business for his living, he settled in a place not far from the town and started a tea stall, because there were 500 hay mowing workers nearby have to drink water. Soon after, he met a passing businessman stopped by his stall, the businessman told him: "Tomorrow there is a horse dealer with 400 horses into the city." After listening to the words of businessmen, young people thought for a moment, and approached the hay mowing workers and said: "Today I do not take money from you, in exchange, can you each give me a bunch of hay, okay? "The workers were very generous and said: " OK! "This young man had 500 bundles of hay. The next day, the horse dealer came to buy feed, the young man got 1000 coins from selling his 500 bundles of hay.
A few years later, the story of this young people become well known, it is very simple, and very interesting. The young man's success is not accidental, because he has the qualities of modern management.
First, he has many ideas: he knew it must be give in order to get. He first gave water to the gardeners to drink, once those gardeners got benefits, they gave him in return. This is a win-win wisdom.
Second, he has very keen eyes: he knows the snags and leaves can fetch a high price, but how to collect them was very demanding. So, he offered to labour and work in exchange. This is also consistent with social norms - getting rich from industrious.
Third, he has very organizational skills: he knew that he was a man alone and would be difficult to accomplish this task. He organized a gang of kids working for him, with candy to pay for compensation. From this point of view, he has the leadership and management skills, he achieved his task with a lower cost and got a larger return on investment.
Fourth, he is very conscious about information: He can capture the opportunity by talking to the businessman to make money, and then lower the price of the acquisition of a large number of hay and resell it at a good price. This trading is very consistent with our economy in the information age today.
Each of us dreams of success and wealth is all around us. Some people complain of poor fortune, and some people complain about social injustice, some people feeling incompetent parents ...... In fact, what we really lack is the hard working attitude and discover the insight of wealth and grasp opportunities. Are you ready?

How to lead the team

帶團隊就是帶野心、帶慾望、 帶狀態;企業說到底是人,管理說到底是借力。失敗的 領導者以其一己之力解決眾人問題,成功的領 導者集眾人之力解決企業問題。
經營企業的過 程是一個借力的過程,只有越來越多的人願意 把力借給你,企業才會成功。不想做後勤的領 導,不是好領導。作為老闆,不要怕員工比你 強,如果員工比你弱,說明你選人不當,把員 工推到前台,給他們權力與責任,你在後面提 供服務,這就是成功的秘密。
Leading the team is to bring ambition, with desire, with the state; enterprise is made up by people, managing people in reality is about leveraging. Failure leaders failed in trying to solve all their problems single-handedly, while successful leaders collect the the group efforts to solve business problems.
Running a business process is a process of leveraging, only when more and more people are willing to lend you their strength, the enterprise will become successful. Those do not want to become a back up, is not a good leader. As the boss, do not be afraid employees better than you, if employees weaker than you, that means you have unsuitable candidates, push the staff to the front of your business, give them power and responsibility, and you in the back is to provide back up services, which is the secret of success.

市場環境下,“快“是戰 術性考慮,”慢“是戰略性思考,快中有慢,慢 中有快。把根扎深是成就一家真正偉大公司的 基礎。”快“是指:戰略和產品要不斷創新,最 好在市場之前做出反應。”慢“是指:服務一定 要做到極致,這個快不得。
1, [Fast tactics, slow strategy]
Market environment, "fast" is a tactical considerations, "slow" is a strategic thinking, fast in slow, slow in fast. This deep-rooted belief is the achievement of a truly great company foundation. "Fast" means: innovative strategies and products to the market place, to be the best and be at the front, before market react. "Slow" means: services must be to achieve the ultimate refinement, this cannot be fast.
“為了實現 夢想你準備努多大的力?”
“需要企業為你提供 甚麼?”
2, [Ask the staff four questions]
"What is your dream?"
"Are you far away from your dreams?"
"In order to achieve the dream of how much effort you are prepared to put?"
"What do you require the company to provide you?"

領導要學會“兩眼睜大 ”“兩眼緊閉”“睜一隻眼閉一隻眼”三種狀態。“兩 眼睜大”發現人才和優點;“兩眼緊閉”不要插手 已經授權的事、不信閒言風語;“睜一隻眼閉一 隻眼”要看到員工錯誤,清醒地警惕任何漏洞的 出現,但又要明白某些錯誤並不需要追究。
3, [Three states of leadership]
Leaders should learn to "Two wide open eyes", "Two closed eye", and "One closed eye and one opened eye" - the three states. "Two wide open eyes" is to discover talents and advantages; "Two closed eyes" is not to intervene who has been authorized to do, and do not believe gossip from Wind Whispers; "One eye closed and one eye opened" is to spot the staff error, clearly wary of any vulnerabilities appear, but also understand that some of the errors does not need to be investigated.

坐電梯很快,但萬一掉 下去就沒有機會了。走樓梯慢,但從12樓不小 心摔下去,也不過是摔倒12樓中間那個樓梯 台,休息一段時間還可以繼續往上爬。做企業 要像走樓梯,但走樓梯的每一步都要走得激情 澎湃。
4, [Take the stairs in passion]
Take the elevator is quick, but in case of failure, a fall will be no second chance. Take the stairs slowly, but if not careful, a fall from 12th floor, it would be the middle landing of the 12th floor, rest for some time can you should be able to continue to climb. Doing business should be like taking the stairs, but have passion with every step of the stairs.

總結四個字,“卡”“斌”“引”“尖”。卡——能上能下;斌 ——能文能武;引——能屈能伸;尖——能小能 大。
5, [life experience]
Summary in four words, "卡 (a word made up by 上丶下; high 丶low)", "斌(a word made up by 文丶武; philosophic丶combat", "引(a word made up by 弓丶丨; folding shaped, straight shaped", "尖(a word made up by 小丶大; small丶big)" 。卡 - can go higher or lower; 斌 - can be philosophical or in combat; 引 -can be resilient; 尖 - can be variable, large and small.

中國企業要想走得更遠,必 須做好以下四點:穩住底盤、適時擴張、全面 內控、不斷創新。
6, [the preparation of long distance travel]
Chinese companies want to go further, you must do the following four points: to stabilize the chassis, timely expansion, a comprehensive internal control and continuous innovation.

那些一夜之 間倒閉或一夜之間崛起的企業遠遠稱不上卓 越,卓越的企業是不會有命懸一線和石破天驚 的,有的只是平靜、堅毅和持續改善。
7, [Be unknown, no blockbuster]
Those overnight closures or overnight rise of enterprises are far from excellence, excellence in business is not those hanging on the lifeline or those ground-breaking ones, but are rather calm, perseverance and in continuous improvement.

有些老闆錯誤地以 為找到最能幹的人就能做出好公司,但多次失 敗後發現,比能力更重要的是一個人能否長久 和你一起,這點和婚姻一樣。企業靠的是態 度、情感、事業來留住員工,不要求他們忠誠 於企業,只要求他們忠誠於自己的內心。
8, [Have fate in people instead of looking for good people]
Some business owners mistakenly believe they have to find the most capable person in order to build a good company, but after many failures, it is found more important than ability is that if a person can be with you for a long time, this is the same as in marriage. Enterprises rely on the attitudes, feelings, career to retain employees, do not ask them to be loyal to the enterprise, requiring only that they are loyal to their heart.

一句“我相信你能做到”比“你必須做到”多了信任在裡面,讓員工能感受到 “被尊重”,在此基礎上他才能產生高度的責任 感、使命感,竭盡全力地完成好工作。
9, [the power of trust]
Say "I believe you can do it" instead of "you must do it" have more trust in the words, let your employees to feel the "respect", on this basis, he can have the high sense of responsibility and mission, make and every effort to complete a good job.

企業說到底是人,管理說到底是 借力。失敗的領導者以其一己之力解決眾人問 題,成功的領導者集眾人之力解決企業問題。 經營企業的過程是一個借力的過程,只有越來 越多的人願意把力借給你,企業才會成功。
10, [leveraging]
Enterprises is, management is the leveraging. Leaders often failed to solve all their problems single-handedly, successful leaders get the team-handedly to solve business problems. Running a business process is operating a process of leveraging, only when more and more people are willing to lend you their strength, the enterprise will be successful.

11、心態決定狀態,狀態決定結果,帶團隊就 是帶野心、帶慾望、帶狀態。
11, The belief and mentality decide your states, your state determine the outcome, leading the team is to bring ambition to team members, with desire, with status.

12, [a little careless, all zeros! ]
There are plans - no action = zero,
Have the opportunity - did not catch = zero,
Are implemented - not finished = nil;
Valuable - did not reflect = zero,
There is progress - no patience = zero,
Has the task - no communication = nil;
Have the ability - did not play = zero,
Has created - not to sell = zero,
Have the knowledge - no application = nil;
Targeted - cowards = zero,
Have to pay - no benefits = nil;
There are principles - not insist = nil;
Have will - no lasting = nil;
以上有些未必合用 ,自己去挑選

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