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與步行禪284相關的資料 : 養生142深呼吸









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發表於 2017-9-19 10:29:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

我非常感謝我這位朋友傳這篇健康文章給我,使我明白為什麼我血壓升高時 , 我就去爬山 , 在山上伸臂呼吸及拉筋甩手 , 回來後再量就正常 。原來是如此 , 願我好友都來做這運動 , 為了您的健康 , 請做養生深呼吸 !  !  !

國外實驗:深呼吸會加速消除體內毒素的速度 。往往這種深呼吸及運動所帶來的清理速度 , 是平常的十五倍 。有太多的人不知道如何正確的呼吸 , 所以每三個美國人 , 便有一人致癌 。不過在運動員方面 , 致癌的比率僅有七分之一 。知道原因嗎 ?  

因為運動員的血液能充份得到最重要的維生元素→氧 , 同時他們身體的免疫系統 , 發揮最大的功能來推動淋巴系統的活動 。要想好好清理自己體內的系統 , 你就做最有效的呼吸法 :

那就是每吸一個時間單位 , 便得彆氣四個時間單位 , 吐氣兩個時間單位 。

[ 1: 4 : 2 ] 例如 : 你吸氣花了四秒鐘 , 那麼彆氣就得十六秒 , 吐氣八秒 。

  • 為何吐氣得花兩倍的吸氣時間呢 ?

    那是要讓你的淋巴系統能充份排除毒素 。
  • 為何彆氣得花四倍時間呢 ?

    因為這樣才能使血液充份地利用氧氣和推動淋巴系統 。所以當你呼吸時 , 你吸足呼盡 , 把體內血液內毒素完全排光 。每天三次 , 每次來十個深呼吸 。持之有恆地去做 , 它的效果遠勝過食物和維他命丸所能提供給你的 。

方法 : 用鼻子吸氣5秒 , 憋20秒 , 呼出 10秒 , 計35秒為一次 , 一天分早中晚各做十次方法很簡單 , 但需要有恆心 。


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發表於 2017-9-19 11:05:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Rondey 於 2017-9-19 11:07 編輯


// Advanced Breath Holding

Schmidt (1983) observed large rhythmic swings in heart rate and blood pressure during advanced yoga breathing practices by a subject with over five years experience. Heart rate during alternate nostril breathing increased to about 120 beats per minute during breath holding and quickly decreased to about 60 bpm during the slow exhalation. Blood pressure in the left brachial artery decreased to about 55/30 mm hg (systolic/diastolic) during breath holding and quickly increased to about 150/65 mm hg during the slow exhalation. The subject's baseline resting heart rate was about 70 bpm and blood pressure about 105/50 mm hg. The time ratios for inhalation, breath hold, and exhalation were 1:4:2, with about one breath per minute. Similar large swings were observed for two other slow full volume yoga breathing techniques and for two other advanced practioners.

The subjects reported that the experience of enhanced energy, mental and physical balance, calmness, and mental clarity associated with the breathing practices increased greatly after several years of practice. The author noted (with out providing data) that beginners following the same techniques did not show such strong physiological changes. According to the advanced subjects, more successful practice and prolonged breath holding depend on increased concentration and relaxation during practice.

Schmidt noted that these cardiovascular responses presumably cause large oscillations in blood flow to various organs, which could possibly be related to the mental effects. However, he also noted that further research is needed to determine the mechanisms and details of these striking cardiovascular effects. Positive intrapulmonary pressure may contribute to these effects. The valsalva maneuver (sharp exhalation pressure against a closed airway) produces increased heart rate and reduced blood pressure, which is followed by reduced heart rate and increased blood pressure after cessation of the maneuver (Daly, 1986, p. 569).

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-9-19 11:29:06 |只看該作者

// The Retained Breath Exercise

Physiologists claim that the air breathed in should remain in the lungs for ten to twenty seconds to maximize the gaseous interchange in the lungs. The yoga practitioners devised an exercise in which the breath is retained for four times the duration of inhalation (about twelve to sixteen seconds) thousands of years ago. Yogis and pranayama followers claim that this exercise would take maximum advantage of the air inhaled.

Benefits of the Retained Breath Exercise

It provides the optimum supply of oxygen to the body. Even jogging and other aerobic exercise doesn't achieve this, since the breathing is quick and shallow and there is no retention of oxygen.
The air which has remained in the lungs from previous inhalations is purified.
There is increased oxygenation of the blood.
The retained breath gathers up some of the waste matter of the body and expels it on exhalation.
The lungs increase their elasticity and capacity and become more powerful. This allows benefits to be enjoyed all day, not just during the exercise.
The exercise builds a bigger, more powerful chest and prevent, or helps to correct sagging breasts in women.


Sit up straight.
Inhale for four seconds. Push your stomach forwards to a count of two seconds and then push your ribs sideways for one second, and finally lift your chest and collar bone upwards for one second. This makes a total of four seconds.
Hold the breath for sixteen seconds. If you find this is difficult at the start, just hold for eight seconds, and gradually over a period of a few months build up to sixteen seconds.
Exhale for eight seconds. For the first six seconds, just allow the collar bone and ribs to relax, so the breath goes out automatically. For the last two seconds push the stomach in gently to expel the air from the lungs.

Do this exercise only once the first week, and add one more round each week, until you are doing three rounds.

The yogi rule for the retention breath is that exhalation should be twice that of inhalation, and retention should be four times that of inhalation; that is, a ratio of 1:4:2.

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