介紹下這隊band好有來頭,唱片銷量高之餘。評價亦非常高,就是保留了原始蒙古草原藝術,真係世界文化遺產級數的藝術傳承,曾經在 2011在London Royal Albert Hall 表演,BBC 有報導的!
Khusugtun 意思係遊牧民
The meaning of the name ‘Khusugtun’:
The word khusug mean a cart of pastoral nomads. ‘Khusugtun’ means nomads, or more precisely people who move with carts. Moreover, the word describes the process of moving such as camel, horse and yak caravans, herd of livestock, and people guiding them etc.
On the road between Dariganga and Shiliin Bogd, 8 km past Ganga Nuur Lake, look out for the statue of Toroi Bandi, the ‘Robin Hood’ of Mongolia, who had a habit of stealing the horses of the local Manchurian rulers, then eluding them by hiding near Shiliin Bogd Uul. The statue, dedicated in 1999, pointedly faces to China.
Altargana means “Golden Rod” in Buryat. The festival was named in esteem of the hardy qualities of this flower, similar to the stalwart qualities of the Buryat people. Golden Rod’s extensive root system allows it to flourish on rocky mountain ridges, arid steppe lands, and sandy dunes, just as Buryats have done for centuries. In two years Buryats will again gather in the city of Chita (Siberia), like so many flowers in a mountain meadow, and we hope to be there, shining like stars in the universe, as we hold out the word of life.
Buryats (布里亚特人)share many customs with other Mongols, including nomadic herding, and erecting gers for shelter. Today, the majority of Buryats live in and around Ulan-Ude, the capital of the republic, although many live more traditionally in the countryside. They speak a dialect of Mongol language called Buryat.[5] According to UNESCO's 2010 edition of the Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, the Buryat language is classified as severely endangered.