
標題: 難忘的二十年chaper18中英對照 [打印本頁]

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:18
標題: 難忘的二十年chaper18中英對照
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-9 19:21 編輯


習書記和齊心大姐相濡以沫58年。他 們既是一對見證歷史巨變的革命

戰友,也 是一對志同道合、對人生幸福有深刻理解 的革命伴侶。
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:18
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-15 00:11 編輯


Revolution partner harmonious family

Sister learning phase drift secretary and concerted need to Mo 58 years. They not only one pair of revolutionary upheaval witness historyComrades,

also a pair of like-minded, have a deep understanding of life happiness revolutionary companion.
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:22
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-9 19:56 編輯

革命伴侶Revolution partner

和諧家庭Family Harmony

習書記secretary xi



相濡以沫Dependent living

58年。58 years.


是一對見證歷史Are a witness to history

巨變的革命Revolutionary changes



一對志同道合、One pair of like-minded,

對人生幸福For happiness in life

有深刻理解Have a deep understanding

的革命伴侶。Revolution partner.

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:24
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-26 10:39 編輯

習書記1944年4月28日與在綏德師範擔任黨總支委員的齊心 喜結良緣。

他們的婚禮非常簡單。在那個年代,沒有花前月下,沒 有卿卿我我。從此,齊心伴隨


剛結婚,習書記就對齊心說:“從此以後,我們就休戚相關了。 但是我不願陷

在小圈子裡,今後我可能在很多方面照顧不了你。” 齊心深愛著自己的丈夫,但

她更理解丈夫,知道他肩上的擔子很重。 革命事業的需要是永遠擺在第一位的。有

困難自己想盡辦法克服。 就是對丈夫工作的最大支持,所以,齊心從不要求丈夫

和組織對她 有額外的關照。在長達四五年的時間裡,由於忙於革命事業,習書 記


1944年至1949年,齊心大多時間在綏德縣做農村工作,參加 土改。這時習書

記任職西北局。長期住在延安。夫妻相隔幾百里。 長時間不能團聚。習書記常常

只能寫信給齊心,一面傳遞思念之情。 一面鼓勵她安心基層工作。有一封信是這樣

寫的:“農村是一個大 學校,是學之不盡的知識寶庫、用之不竭的知識源泉。如果

能做好 個一鄉的工作,就能做好一個區的工作。”齊心的摯友、時任西北 影發行公

司黨委書記的伍仲秋偶然看到了這封信,驚訝而又好奇 地說: “這哪裡是夫妻通


1947年春,胡宗南部隊大舉進攻延安。在黨中央、毛主席的 領導下。習書記

協同彭德懷指揮作戰取得了“三戰三捷”的勝利。 予月14日。西北野戰軍祝


慰問團去了安塞。誰知一見 面卻遭到習書記的當眾批評:“這麼艱苦,你來幹什

麼?”齊心對 丈夫的批評十分理解。她心裡明白。習書記並不是不想見她,而是 當

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:27
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-26 10:44 編輯

Revolution partner harmonious family 18p209

Xi secretary April 28, 1944 and served as Party branch members in Suiteh Normal concerted marriage.

Their wedding is very simple. In those days, no drawing near, no affectionate. Since then, accompanied by concerted

Secretary spent 58 years learning the storms of life.

Just married, then secretary of the concerted practice, said:. "Since then, we have a stake in the trap, but I do not want toIn the inner circle, in the future I could not take care of you in many ways. "United in love with her husband, but
Her husband is more understanding, knowing a heavy burden on his shoulders. Need revolutionary cause is always put in first. There is
To find ways to overcome their own difficulties. Is the greatest support for the work of her husband, so united and never asked her husband And organize additional care for her. For up to four or five years time, due to the revolutionary cause of busy, learning secretary Sister and united together from many, only geese.

From 1944 to 1949, most of the time doing rural work united in Suide County, participate in land reform. Then study the book Northwest Bureau office in mind. Long lived in Yan'an. Couples separated by hundreds of miles. For a long time can not be reunited.

Xi secretary often Can only write to one mind, one side passing thoughts of love. Side of the grass-roots work encouraged her to feel at ease. There is such a letter Wrote: "The countryside is a great school, learning is endless treasure trove of knowledge, if inexhaustible source of knowledge.Townships can do work, you can do the work of a district.

"United best friend, when he issued public northwest shadowParty Secretary of Wuzhong Qiu came across this letter, but curiously surprised, said: "This is where the couple throughLetter, is simply revolutionary two books it! "

The spring of 1947, a massive attack Yan'an huzongnan troops. Under the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao's leadership. Xi secretary
Peng collaborative directing operations made "three battles Jie" victory. I February 14. Northwest Field Wish

McNair Conference held in Ansai County Zhenwu hole. In order to allow the organization to have a chance to visit the concerted practice secretary, he sent her over

Goodwill mission to the Ansai. Surprisingly, a meeting has been publicly criticized Xi secretary: "So hard, you come to dry even

Why? "Concerted criticism very understanding husband. She knew. Xi secretary does not want to see her, but when

When the war situation, he can not be distracted. Attended the celebration party united Assembly, immediately returned
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:47
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-9 20:17 編輯


習書記secretary xi

1944年4月28日April 28, 1944


綏德師範Suide Teachers

擔任黨總支委員As a Party branch committee


喜結良緣。Tie the knot.

他們的婚禮Their wedding

非常簡單。Very simple.

在那個年代,In the past

沒有花前月下,No luxury

沒有卿卿我我。No grand

從此,齊心伴隨Since then, accompanied by concerted

習書記secretary xi

度過了58年Spent 58 years

風雨人生。Storms of life.

剛結婚,Just married,

習書記secretary xi


: "Since then,

我們就We will

休戚相關了。Solidarity of.

但是我不願陷在But I do not want to stuck in

小圈子裡,Weight only family

今後From now on

我可能在很多方面照顧不了你。”I could not take care of you in many ways. "


深愛著自己的丈夫,In love with her husband,

知道他肩上的擔子很重。Know that a heavy burden on his shoulders.

革命事業Revolutionary cause

的需要是The need is

永遠擺在第一位的。Always come first and foremost.

有困難自己想盡辦法克服。To find ways to overcome their own difficulties.

就是對Is to

丈夫工作的Husband work

最大支持,所以,Maximum support, therefore,


從不要求丈夫Never asked her husband

組織對她有額外的關照。Organize additional care for her.

在長達四五年的時間裡,In the period up to 2045,

由於Due to




習書記secretary xi



聚少離多,Few together

鴻雁傳書。Correspondence Contact

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:51
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-16 22:23 編輯




大多時間Most of the time

在綏德縣做農村工作In doing rural work Suide County

,參加土改。Participate in land reform.


習書記secretary xi

任職hold a post

西北局。Northwest Bureau.

長期住在Long lived in


夫妻Husband and wife

相隔幾百里。Separated by hundreds of miles.


不能團聚。Can not be reunited.

習書記secretary xi



寫信Letters Contact




思念之情。Thoughts of love.

一面鼓勵她Encouraged her side


基層basic level


有一封信是There is a letter



農村是一個大學校,The countryside is a great school,

是學之不盡Is endless learning

的知識寶庫、Knowledge base,




如果In case

能做好Can do

一個鄉的工作,A rural work,

一個區的工作。An area of work.

”齊心的摯友、"United friend,

時任西北影發行公司Northwest when he was shadow issuing company

黨委書記Party secretary

伍仲秋Wuzhong Qiu

偶然看到了Occasionally seen

這封信,This letter,



這哪裡是夫妻通信,This is where the couple communication,



兩地書呀!”two books
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-9 19:59
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-16 22:31 編輯


1947年春,The spring of 1947,



大舉進攻Massive attack


CPC Central Committee,

毛主席的Chairman Mao

領導下。Under the leadership.

習書記secretary xi



指揮作戰Combat Command


三戰Three wars

三捷”Three wins

勝利。 Victory.


西北野戰軍Northwest Field

祝捷大會Celebration party Assembly



真武洞Zhenwu Caves




有個機會There is a chance


習書記,secretary xi


慰問團Condolence Group






習書記的secretary xi

當眾批評:“Public criticism: "

這麼艱苦,你來幹什麼?”So hard, are you doing? "




十分理解。Very understanding.


習書記secretary xi

並不是不想見她,Does not want to see her,




形勢不容The situation is not




祝捷大會,Celebration party of the General Assembly,

就立即返回了Immediately returned
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-10 10:09
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-26 10:42 編輯


在與習書記相伴的日子裡,齊心一直把丈夫“工作好、學習好、 一切事情都

處理好”的町囑牢記心裡,當作人生的座右銘。她常對 人說,仲勳是一個好丈夫。

又是她尊敬的師長和墊友。1952年冬、 習書記調到北京工作,齊心帶著女兒橋

橋和安安於年底才從西安到 北京安了家。一家人雖說是團聚了,但仍然是聚少離

多。齊心先是 在馬列學院(中央黨校前身)學習,後留中央黨校工作。單位離家 幾十

公里,那時候交通不便,照顧不上孩子。於是,他們把3歲多 的橋橋送到北海幼兒

園,每週只能接回一次。橋橋每當去幼兒園時。 都會哭個不停,不願離開父母,有一

次競哭暈在習書記懷裡。小女 兒安安由於齊心忙於工作沒法親自哺育,基本上是


1953年和1956年,兩個兒子近平和遠平相繼出生。齊心一邊 在地處遠郊的

單位緊張地學習工作,一邊獨自哺育兩個孩子。兩個 孩子都是10個月斷奶後才

送回城裡家中。齊心既要照顧家裡,管 好孩子,又要做好工作。不管多苦多累,她都

沒有忘記丈夫的町囑 “以事業為重,不耿誤工作,有困難自己克服。”而且,齊

心從來 沒有想過利用丈夫的關係把工作單位調換到離家近的地方。

齊心大姐有著很不平凡的革命經歷。1939年3月,年僅15歲 的齊心受姐姐

齊雲的指引。在太行抗日熔鋒火中參加革命, 同年在反 “掃蕩”中加入中國共

產黨,在“抗大”革命熔爐中鍛鍊成長,樹 立了共產主義理想。在長期的革命

鬥爭中,她顧全大局。堅持紮根 在基層,默默地奮鬥在組織安排的普通崗位上。

新中國成立以後,雖然生活較前安定。但習書記的工作責任更 大了。齊心竭盡

全力營造一個溫馨的家庭環境,使他能夠集中精力。 一心一意為黨和人民工作。齊

心從不干預丈夫的政務,不給他添麻 煩。 更沒有因為是習仲勳的夫人而自特商

貴 出風頭、生活上搞特 殊化。
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-10 10:12
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-26 10:51 編輯

A few miles away jobs.

In the study secretary accompanied the day, the husband of one mind has been "working well, study well, all things are Dealing with "heart-cho Well keep in mind, as life's motto. She often told people, Chung Hoon is a good husband.She also is a respected teacher and friend mat. 1952 winter study secretary transferred to Beijing to work, united with her daughter bridge

Ann at the end of the bridge and from Xi'an to Beijing before their home. Although it is a family reunion, but they are still together from More. United first in the Marxist-Leninist Institute (formerly the Central Party School) study, the Central Party School after leaving work.

Home dozens of units Km, then inaccessible, according to attend to the child. So, they put three year old child Bridge to the North Sea Park, only to pick up once a week. Whenever Bridge to go to kindergarten. Will not stop crying, unwilling to leave their parents, there is a Faint cry at times competing secretary study arms. Daughter Ann was busy due to the concerted work can not feed himself, basically Eat milk grew up.

In 1953 and 1956, his two sons have been born nearly flat calm away. United while in the outer suburbs located

Study and work units nervously while feeding two children alone. Two children are weaned after 10 months

Back home in the city. Concerted efforts to take care of the home, the boy tube, but also do a good job. No matter how bitter and more tired, she

Well do not forget her husband cho "to cause as important, not Geng malfunction, there are difficulties to overcome their own." And, Qi

Heart never thought to use her husband's workplace relations to swap places closer to home.

Sister has united an extraordinary revolutionary experience. In March 1939, only 15 years old united by sister

Qiyun guidelines. Participated in the anti-Japanese revolution in Taihang melting front of the fire, and joined in against "mopping up" in Chinese total

CPC, in the "Kang Da" revolution tempered furnace, and establish a communist ideals. In the long years of revolution

Struggle, her overall situation. Insisted rooted in grassroots struggle silently in the general organization of the post.

After the founding of New China, although stable life than before. However, more work responsibilities secretary Xi big.

United do

Efforts to create a warm family environment, so that he can concentrate. Working party and the people wholeheartedly. Together

Never mind her husband's intervention in government, do not give him trouble. Nor because it is Xi's wife and since special quotient

Your limelight, life out of the special.
作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-10 10:17
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-16 22:07 編輯

Revolution partner harmonious family

幾百里外A few miles away


在與習書記相伴Secretary accompanied with learning


齊心Of one mind

一直把丈夫“Always the husband. "

工作好、Good work,


一切事情都All things are



牢記心裡,Keep in mind the heart,

當作人生As life


她常對人說,She often told people,


是一個好丈夫。Is a good husband.

又是她尊敬She is respected

的師長The teachers


1952年冬、The winter of 1952,

習書記secretary xi

調到北京工作,Transferred to Beijing to work,

齊心Of one mind



橋橋Qiao qiao


於年底才從At the end of it from




一家人雖說是團聚了,Although it is a family reunion,

但仍然是But still

聚少離多。Together from many.

齊心Of one mind

先是在First in

馬列學院Marxism-Leninism Institute

(中央黨校前身)(Formerly the Central Party School)


後留中央黨校工作。After leaving the Central Party School work.

單位離家Unit home

幾十公里,Tens of kilometers,

那時候交通不便,Time traffic inconvenience,

照顧不上孩子。於是,According to attend to the child. As a result,

他們把3歲多的They put more than 3 years old

橋橋Qiao qiao


北海幼兒園,Beihai kindergarten,

每週只能接回一次。Back to once a week only.

橋橋每當去幼兒園時。Whenever Bridge to go to kindergarten.

都會哭個不停,Will be crying,

不願離開父母,Do not want to leave their parents,








忙於工作沒法Not busy at work

親自哺育,Personally nurtured,


吃奶粉長大的。Eat milk grew up.

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-1-10 10:25
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-1-16 22:33 編輯


1953年和1956年,In 1953 and 1956,

兩個兒子Two sons

近平Nearly flat


相繼出生。Have been born.


一邊One side

在地處遠郊的Located in the outer suburbs


緊張地學習工作,Nervously study and work,




兩個孩子。Two children.

兩個孩子Two children


10個月斷奶後Weaned after 10 months

才送回城裡家中。Was returned to the city home.


既要照顧家裡,To take care of the home,


又要做好工作。But also do a good job.

不管多苦多累,No matter how bitter and more tired,

她都沒有She did not


丈夫的叮囑Her husband told

“以事業為重,"In order to cause as heavy,


有困難自己克服。”Overcome their own difficulties. "




沒有想過No thought


丈夫的關係Her husband's relationship


調換到離家近的地方。Transposed to places closer to home.

齊心Of one mind


很不平凡的Very extraordinary

革命經歷。Revolutionary experience.

1939年3月,In March 1939,

年僅15歲 的Only 15 years old








參加革命,Participate in the revolution,

同年在In the same year

反 “掃蕩”中Against "mopping up" in


中國共產黨,Communist Party of China,

在“抗大”革命熔爐中鍛鍊成長,Exercise in the "Kang Da" revolutionary growth furnace,

樹立了Establish a

共產主義理想。Communist ideals.

在長期的革命鬥爭中,In the long-term revolutionary struggle,

她顧全大局。Her overall situation.

堅持紮根在基層,Insisted rooted in the grassroots level,


奮鬥在組織安排的普通崗位上。Struggle in the general organization of the post.

新中國成立以後,After the founding of New China,

雖然生活較前安定。While living stable than before.

習書記secretary xi

工作責任更大了。Greater responsibilities.


竭盡全力Spare no effort

營造一個Create a

溫馨的家庭環境,A warm family environment,

使他能夠集中精力。So that he can concentrate.


為黨For the party

人民工作。People work.


從不干預Never interfered

丈夫的政務,Her husband's government,

不給他添麻煩。Do not give him trouble.

更沒有因為是Nor because it is


夫人而And Mrs.


出風頭、生活上Limelight, life

搞特殊化。Engage in specialization.

作者: chenteipeng    時間: 2015-1-16 12:23

與中共瓦窯堡婦女委員會主任郝明珠結婚。1943年冬,因與郝明珠 性格不和而

離婚。習書記和郝明珠育有3個孩子, 即大女兒習和平、 二女兒習乾平、兒子習

正寧(又名習富平)。他和齊心組成新的家 庭以後。如何處理好與這3個孩子的關

係是他們家庭生活中不可回 避的問題。在這個問題上。習書記和齊心大姐的仁愛

寬厚之心給孩 子以潛移默化的影響。婚後不久。習書記和齊心大姐就把和平、正


習乾平生於1938年,正值陝甘寧邊區最為艱苦的時期。習書 記把不到一歲

的她托給奶媽撫養,就投身到緊張的工作中去了。兵 荒馬亂。奶媽把乾平從當時的

陝甘寧邊區新正縣(今陝西省旬邑縣) 帶到了國民黨統治區—娘家陝西省乾縣。

從此,習書記就不知道 她的下落。乾平也不知道父母是誰。直到1949年西安解放,習

書記 派人四處打聽,才於這年5月把乾平找回來。此時,她已經11歲 了。長期生活

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:11
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 20:38 編輯

一次,周總理問習書記:“怎麼老是見不到齊心同志呢?”見過一次後,就說:“今後齊心同志可以副總理夫人身份參加外事活動。”但這樣的活動,習書記僅讓她參加過一次。那就是蒙古總統澤登巴爾夫婦訪華時,按照國際禮節。由齊心陪同習副總理出席了接待活動。 -
更令人難以置信的是,習書記在廣東工作3年,後在珠海、深圳休養10多年,齊心竟然連近在咫尺的香港、澳門都沒有去過。 只去過深圳的沙頭角,與所有遊客一樣,跨過小街中0間的那條界線。就算是去過香港了。
1962年9月,習書記蒙冤受屈, “文化大革命”中又橫遭批鬥、關押。
習書記在被監禁整整7年之後的1972年,才在周總理的關照下和家人見了一面。 直到1978年4月,一家人才重新團聚在一起。
作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:11
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 20:39 編輯

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And secretary of the same study. Unitedover the years has maintained a simple lifestyle. 1950s.Generally weekend night, State Department authorities often hold some events.At a party, someonesaw concerted simple dress, speak, saying: "!Mrs. learning howto wear it, Deputy Prime Minister of thesoil ah" united home to say about it, studysecretary playfully smiled and said: "soil better than foreign What!"
Served as vice premier Xi secretary after.United almost didnot participate in important publicevents. Once, PremierZhou Xi secretary asked: "how alwayssee concerted gays?"Seen after the first, he said: "In the future, Deputy Prime MinisterMrs. united comradescan participate inforeign affairs." But this kind of activity, learning only secretary she attendedone. That is when the President of Mongolia Zedengbaer couple's visit, in accordance withinternational etiquette. Xi,accompanied by Vice Premier united attended the receptionactivities. -
1978 comeback afterlearning secretary. Has repeatedly led a delegation to visit abroad. Accordance with the regulations.Mrs. united identitycan accompany. But.Xi secretary strictrequirements. Let her keepjobs. In this regard, concerted very understanding,and I never had accompanied her husband to go abroad together made therequest. Even more incredibleis that learning towork in Guangdong secretaryfor three years, after the Zhuhai,Shenzhen rest 10 years, united not evenclose in Hong Kong and Macao have not been to. Only been to Shenzhen ShaTau Kok, with all the tourists,across the street in the middle of thatline. Even went to Hong Kong.
September 1962, Xi secretary unjustly aggrieved,"Cultural Revolution" hasdrenched criticism, imprisoned. Who were unitedalso been implicated review was sent to Henan"cadre school" for up to 7years. Here, thechildren to the countryside tojump the queue. A person is not only a hard life, but also against "insurgent families" and "Gangs of children" hat. United understanding of their husbands,convinced the party faithful husband, and her husband stand firmly together.Children who donot believe in his father's imposing"charges", consistentlyloved father. Unitedand the kids do not have depression in adversity. Strong enough to face the frustrations and hardships of life fate. Xisecretary was imprisoned in 1972 after a full seven years, onlyunder the care ofPremier Zhou and his family metside. Until April 1978, a talent reuniontogether.
Xi secretary lifehad two marriages. The first marriage was in 1935, was introduced

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:12
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-27 23:57 編輯


Same with Secretary Xi
多年來over the years
始終保持著簡樸的生活習慣Always maintained a simple lifestyle
20世紀20th century
一般週末的晚上Generally weekendnight
國務院機關State Council organs
經常舉辦一些活動Organizes a number of activities
在一次晚會上At a party
有人看到Some people see
衣著簡樸Simple dress
議論說Talk say
習副總理的夫人Vice Premier Xi’s wife
怎麼穿著那麼土啊So how to wear earth ah
回家說了這件事Back home and talk about this
詼諧地笑著說Humor laughs
土比洋好麼old-fashioned betterthan western
習書記Secretary Xi
國務院副總理Vice Premier
乎沒有參加過重要公務活動Almost did not participate in important public events
一次 Once
周總理問習書記 Premier Zhou asked Secretary Xi
怎麼老是見不到齊心同志呢? Howalways couldn't see
見過一次後 after he hasseen once
今後 From now on
齊心同志 Comrade Qixin
可以副總理夫人身份 as Vice-premiermadame can
參加外事活動 Participate in foreign affairs activities
但這樣的活動But such activities
習書記僅讓她參加過一次Secretary Xi only let her participate in one time
那就是 That is
蒙古總統President of Mongolia
澤登巴爾夫婦訪華時 Mr. &Mrs. Tsedenbal visit to China
按照國際禮節 in accordance with internationalcourtesy
由齊心陪同習副總理出席了接待活動Comrade Qixin  accompaniedby Vice

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:13
Premier Xi attended the receptionactivities
1978年習書記復出以後 After comeback of Premier Xi on1978
曾多次率團出國訪問Has repeatedly lead a delegation to visit abroad
按規定According to regulations
齊心可以夫人身份陪同前往Qixincan go with him as Vice-premiermadame
可是。習書記嚴格要求But, PremierXi rigorous request
讓她謹守工作崗位Let herstrictly adhere to the operating post
對此,齊心十分理解 In this regard, Qixin understood clearly
也從來沒有提出過陪同丈夫一起出國的要求never request to go abroad with her husband
習書記在廣東工作3年 Premier Xi work at Guangdong for 3 years
後在珠海、深圳休養10多年 Then stay at Zhuhai & Shenzhen for 10+ years
齊心竟然連近在咫尺的香港、澳門都沒有去過Qixin has not been NearbyHong Kong&Macau
只去過深圳的沙頭角 Only been to Shenzhen Sha Tau Kok
與所有遊客一樣 just like other tourist
跨過小街中間的那條界線 step across the border line at the middle of Chung Ying Street
就算是去過香港了make belive she has been Hong Kong
1962年9月,習書記蒙冤受屈September 1962 Secretary Xi unjustly aggrieved
“文化大革命”中又橫遭批鬥、關押"Cultural Revolution"has drenched criticism, imprisoned
齊心也受到株連而遭審查Qixin has also been implicated
被下放到河南was sent to Henan
“五七幹校” "Cadre school"
長達7年多 forup to 7 years
此間 Meanwhile
孩子到農村插隊children went to the countryside joining aproduction line
一家人不僅生活艱難 wholefamily not only had a difficult life
還頂著also wore
“反黨分子家屬”” Insurgent families
“黑幫子女””Gangs ofchildren”
齊心瞭解自己的丈夫 Qixinunderstands her husband
堅信丈夫對黨的忠誠Believe her husband's loyalty to the party
堅定地和丈夫站在一起 firmlystand together with her husband
孩子們也不相信強加在父親身上的“罪名” Children did not believe imposes on theirfather's "crime"

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:13
始終如一地深愛著父親 Consistently in love with thier father
齊心和孩子們 Qixin and children
在逆境中沒有消沉 havenot depressed in adversity
堅強地面對命運的坎坷 stronglyfacing destiny roughness
和人生的磨難 and tribulations of life
習書記在被監禁整整7年之後的1972年 After Secretary Xi imprison entire7 years, at 1972
才在周總理的關照下 only underthe care of Premier Zhou
和家人見了一面 to meet his family
直到1978年4月Until April1978
一家人才重新團聚在一起 The whole family reunion together
習書記一生有過兩次婚姻 Secretary Xi hadtwo marriages
第一次婚姻是1935年 經人介紹 First marriage was introduced at1935

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:15
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 20:40 編輯

與中共瓦窯堡婦女委員會主任郝明珠結婚。1943年冬,因與郝明珠性格不和而離婚。習書記和郝明珠育有3個孩子,即大女兒習和平、 二女兒習乾平、兒子習正寧(又名習富平)。他和齊心組成新的家庭以後。如何處理好與這3個孩子的關係是他們家庭生活中不可回避的問題。在這個問題上。習書記和齊心大姐的仁愛寬厚之心給孩子以潛移默化的影響。婚後不久,習書記和齊心大姐就把和平、正寧接到身邊,隨後把寄養在乾縣農民家裡的二女兒也接回家中。
習乾平生於1938年,正值陝甘寧邊區最為艱苦的時期。習書記把不到一歲的她托給奶媽撫養,就投身到緊張的工作中去了。兵荒馬亂。奶媽把乾平從當時的陝甘寧邊區新正縣(今陝西省旬邑縣) 帶到了國民黨統治區—娘家陝西省乾縣。從此,習書記就不知道她的下落。乾平也不知道父母是誰。直到1949年西安解放,習書記派人四處打聽,才於這年5月把乾平找回來。此時,她已經11歲了。長期生活在農村艱苦環境中的她長得又瘦又小。見到習書記很

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:15
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 20:41 編輯

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HaoPearl , director of Women'sCommittee of the CPC Wayaobaomarried. 1943 winter,because the characteris not Hao Pearl and divorce. Xi Hao Pearl secretaryand fathered threechildren, the eldest daughter learning that peace,second daughter Xi dry flat, being the son of Xi Ning(aka learning Fuping).He later unitedto form a new family. How to handle the relationship between these three childrenis their family life can not be avoided. Onthis issue. Charity secretarygenerous heart andunited Sister learningto children with subtleinfluence. Shortly after their marriage. Secretary and sistertook concerted practicepeace, are ratherreceive side, thenput in a drycounty farmer foster home two daughterstake home.
Xi dry his lifein 1938, a time when the most difficult period Ningxia Border Region. Xi secretary to less thanone year old, she asked the nurse to bring up,you plunge into intense work went. Shortage of soldiers horse chaos. Thenurse then dryflat from NingxiaBorder Region is the new County(now Shaanxi Province Xunyi) brought theKuomintang areas - maiden Dry County, Shaanxi Province. Since then, the study secretarydoes not know her whereabouts. Dry flat do not knowwho their parents are. Xi'an liberation until1949, Xi secretarysent around to find only in May this year to dry flat back. At this point, she has 11years old. Long-term living in rural areas difficult circumstances,she looks thin and small. Xi is seen secretary

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:17
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-27 23:57 編輯

with Directorof the Women's Committee ofthe CPC Wayaobao
郝明珠 Hao Mingzhu
結婚 get married
1943年冬 1943winter
因與郝明珠性格不和 Due to personalityclashes with Hao Mingzhu
而離婚 getting divorce
習書記和郝明珠育有3個孩子Secretary Xi and Hao Mingzhu have three children
即大女兒習和平eldestdaughter Xi He Ping
二女兒習乾平 younger daughter Xi Qian Ping
兒子習正寧(又名習富平) youngest son Xi Zheng Ning (also known as Xi Fu Ping)
他和齊心組成新的家庭以後 After Xi and Qixin build up a new family
如何處理好 How to handle
與這3個孩子的關係 the relationship between these three children
是他們家庭生活中不可回避的問題 is an unavoidable issue in their familylife
在這個問題上 In this issue
習書記和齊心大姐 Secretary Xi and Qixin
的仁愛寬厚之心給孩子以 use charity& generous heartto
潛移默化的影響 Influencing subtly
婚後不久 Shortly after their marriage
習書記和齊心大姐 Secretary Xi and Qixin
就把和平、正寧接到身邊 take He Ping and Zheng Ning back
隨後 Afterwards
把寄養在乾縣農民家裡的 placing in a farmer family
二女兒也接回家中 younger daughter also take back home
習乾平生於1938 XiQian Ping was born in 1938
正值陝甘寧邊區最為艱苦的時期 Coincided with the mostdifficult period Ningxia Border Region
習書記 Secretary Xi
把不到一歲的她 let not enough 1 year old girl
托給奶媽撫養 to raise up by nanny
就投身到緊張的工作中去了 plunge into intense work
兵荒馬亂 Turmoil of war
奶媽把乾平從 The nanny bring Qian Ping from
當時的 At the time
陝甘寧邊區新正縣 NingxiaBorder Region Xinzheng county
(今陝西省旬邑縣) now ShaanxiProvince Xunyi
帶到了國民黨統治區 bring her to Kuomintangruling areas

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-27 23:18
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 21:45 編輯

娘家陝西省乾縣 maternal home in Shanxi Province Gan county
從此 Since then
習書記就不知道她的下落 Secretary Xi did not know her whereabouts
乾平也不知道父母是誰 Qian Ping did not know who their parents are
直到1949年西安解放 until 1949 Xi'an liberation
習書記派人四處打聽 Secretary Xi sent people to ask around
才於這年5月把乾平找回來 finally found her in that year
此時 At that time
她已經11歲了 She is already eleven years old
長期生活在農村艱苦環境中的 Due to countryside difficult environment for a long time
她長得又瘦又小 she looks thin and small.
見到習書記很害怕 she was afraid to see Secretary Xi

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-28 22:53
最懂得習書記骨肉親情的自然是齊心大姐了。為紀念習書記和女兒這段長達10年多的離散之情,齊心大姐給這個孩子起名“乾平”。 “乾”,就是她奶媽的家鄉-----乾縣。
在以後很長一段時間裡,這幾個孩子都和習書記以及齊心生活在一起。齊心像對待親生孩子一樣呵護他們,在生活上給予照顧, 思想上給予關心。齊心有了自己的孩子後,便教育他們要尊重姐姐和哥哥。這些同父異母的孩子在一起相處得很和諧。乾平多次給我說“我們習家兄弟姐妹親密團結的家風是父母從小教育的結果。父母常對我們說“手心手背都是肉,你們都是我的孩子,不要分彼此’。”

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-28 22:56
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 23:00 編輯

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Afraid, do not call my father. At that time, a person secretary Xi in Xian, busy work, he sent guards to look after her daughter. The province every day that they were drinking milk to her daughter to drink. The baby grew up in rural areas notused to drinking milk, drinking habits secretary looked at her before leaving. Dry Ping said she gained over less than a month,and from home with the nanny do not wear clothes,and let Xi secretary secretary gave her three new clothes. Once,dry flat pick a few grains of sour grapes from the garden in your pocket to make learning secretary saw. The next study secretary called bodyguard buy a lot of fruit for her to eat.
One morning, Xi secretary pulled dry flat hand walking, walking to her daughter, said:. "Tomorrow should be a mother and sister were not born mother your mother and I divorced your mother born ......"
Dry flat later said to me: "Dad words for me howling at the moon, I simply did not understand whether the mother, stepmother, for me, are blank when they grow up, I know my father's sincere.... the first time I saw my mother's mother is united. she was very kind and loving. she was the first teacher to teach me how to read ... "
Most understand the natural kinship secretary Xi is united Sister. To commemorate this study secretary and daughter for 10 years and more discrete love, united to the child named Sister "dry flat.""Dry", is her nurse's hometown ------dry county.
After a long period of time, these children are living and learning secretary and united together. United treat their own child care,give care in their daily lives, ideologically give care. United have their own children after they teach them to respect my sister and brother. Half of these kids get along very harmonious. Dry flat repeatedly said to me, "We practice brothers and sisters united family tradition is the result of a close childhood parent education. Parents often say to us," palm back of the hand are the meat,you are my children, not separated from each other. '"
In those years, I have repeatedly united Sister exhortations to follow these three kids to send to school clothing and daily necessities. Sister taking care of them since the scene vividly.
Xi secretary offamily life is joy,happiness, harmony, but there are"white-haired people who sent hair,"the pain and misery.

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-28 23:01

害怕 afraid
也不叫爸爸 do not call my father
當時 At that time
習書記 Secretary Xi
一個人在西安 was alone in Xian
工作很忙 work hard
就派警衛員照看女兒 he sent guards to look after herdaughter
每天 everyday
把本該自己喝的牛奶省給女兒喝 He let her daughter drink that milk which should drink by himself
農村長大的娃喝不慣牛奶 he baby grew up in ruralareas not used to drinking milk
習書記 Secretary Xi
就看著女兒喝完 look at her daughter finish
才離開 before leaving
乾平說 Qian Ping said
她不到一個月就吃胖了 she gained over less than a month
從奶媽家裡帶的衣服 which was bring from nanny home
也穿不上了 can not put on
習書記 Secretary Xi
便讓秘書給她做了 let his secretary gave her
三身新衣服 three new clothes
有一次 Once
乾平 QianPing
從園子摘了 pick from the garden
幾粒酸葡萄 a few grains of sour grapes
裝在口袋裡 and put into yourpocket
讓習書記看見了 Secretary Xi saw it
第二天 The next day
習書記 Secretary Xi
就叫警衛員 called bodyguard
買了一大堆水果給她吃 buy a lot of fruit for her to eat
一天早上 One day morning
習書記拉著乾平的手散步 Secretary Xi and Qian Ping  walking in hand
邊走邊對女兒說 walking with her daughter and said
明天要來一個媽媽和妹妹 Tomorrow a motherand sister will come here
媽媽不是生你的媽媽 that mother is not your brith mother

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-28 23:03
我和生你的媽媽離婚了  I divorced with your mother
乾平後來對我說 QianPing later said to me
爸爸  Papa
這話對我來說 for me these words
簡直是  simply
對牛彈琴 whistle jigs to a milestone
我根本聽不懂  I totally don’t understand
無論生母  whatever birth mother
繼母 stepmother
對我而言都是空白  for me all of them were blank
長大後  After grow up
我才懂得了  I finally understood
父親的真誠 my father's sincere
我第一次見到的 I saw at first time
媽媽是齊心媽媽 mother is mother Qixin
她很善良可親 she was very kind and loving
她是教我認字的啟蒙老師 she was the first teacher toteach me how to read
最懂得  Most understand
習書記 Secretary Xi
骨肉親情  kinship
的自然是齊心大姐了  must be Qixin Sister
為紀念 To commemorate
習書記和女兒  between Secretary Xi and her daughter
這段長達10年多的離散之情  the 10 year sentiment of theseparate
齊心大姐給這個孩子Qixin Sister named this daughter
起名“乾平” as “Qian Ping”
就是她奶媽的家鄉  which is the nanny’s hometown
乾縣 Qian County
在以後很長一段時間裡 After a long period of time
這幾個孩子 these children
都和習書記以及齊心生活在一起 are living with Secretary Xi and Qixin
齊心像對待親生孩子一樣 Qixin treat them likeher own
呵護他們 care about them
在生活上給予照顧  take care them in daily lives
思想上給予關心  Ideologically gives the care

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-28 23:05
齊心有了自己的孩子後 Qixin have her own children
便教育他們  and teach them
要尊重姐姐和哥哥  to respect brother and sisters
這些同父異母的孩子 These agnate sibling children
在一起相處得很和諧 get along very harmonious
乾平多次給我說 Qian Ping repeatedly said to me
我們習家兄弟姐妹 We Xi brothers and sisters
親密團結的家風 united family tradition
是父母從小教育的結果 is the result of a close childhood parent education
父母常對我們說 Parents often say to us
手心手背都是肉 both the meat back of the hand palm
你們都是我的孩子 All of you are my children
不要分彼此  Without distinction
那些年 In those years
我多次 I have repeatedly
遵照齊心大姐  follow Qixin Sister’s
給這3個上學的孩子送衣物 bring clothes to three kids inschool
和日用品 and daily necessities
大姐對他們 Big sister treat them
悉心照顧的情景 Utmost care
至今 till now
歷歷在目 Vivid in mymind
習書記的 Secretary Xi’s
家庭生活是歡樂  family life is joy
幸福  happiness
和諧的  and harmony
但也有 but there are
“白髮人送黑髮人”Tragedy of losing young loved ones
的傷痛和不幸 the pain andmisery

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-28 23:13
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-28 23:15 編輯

1998年, 習仲勳和夫人齊心在深圳

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1998, Xi Zhong xun and his wife Qixin in Shenzhen

1998年  1998
習仲勳 Xi Zhong xun
和夫人齊心 and his wife Qixin
在深圳 in Shenzhen

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-30 23:09
習和平出生在1936年,為紀念“西安事變”和平解決,取名“和平”,在動盪不安的戰爭年代度過了童年。她天資聰慧,嫻靜秀麗。 品學兼優。正當要報效祖國施展才華的時候,一場疾風暴雨式的“文化大革命”奪走了她年輕的生命。那時候,習書記身陷囹圄,直至1978年解除監禁後才知道了大女兒的情況。乾平後來對我說:“我爸爸知道我大姐的事情後。整整一天都淚流不止。眼睛都哭腫了。 看到堅強的父親竟這樣痛苦。我的心像刀扎一樣...”
習書記的長子習正寧,1940年出生於陝甘寧邊區的新正縣(今 陝西省旬邑縣),4歲被送到習書記和齊心大姐身邊。從此,齊大姐視正寧如親生,呵護有加。正寧1948年入延安保育院學,是“馬背上的搖籃”裡的革命兒童。解放後,正寧在西安、北京上學。 1960年考入中國科技大學,都是在齊心大姐親自照料下學習和成長的。
1965年正寧大學畢業後,被分配在陝西秦嶺山溝裡的一個科研單位工作。長期不受重用,直到粉碎“四人幫”以後才得以發揮專業特長和組織才能,主持完成了不少科研課題的研究。1979年底,他調到陝西省委工作。曾任省委組織部副部長、省委政法委副書記 (正廳級)等職。1991年調任海南省司法廳廳長。1997年11月27 日,他因突發急性心肌梗塞不幸逝世。
在正寧發病搶救治療期間,橋橋、安安、遠平一直守護在哥哥身邊。正寧逝世的當日,近平專程趕到海南為兄長送別。2000年,正寧骨灰移葬陝西臨潼。入土的那一天,弟弟妹妹們全部到場祭奠。 正寧逝世以後,弟弟妹妹們代兄行孝。經常去探望正寧的生母郝明珠,使老人非常感動。2006年,郝大姐逝世,遵其遺囑,把她也安葬在了兒子墓旁。

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-30 23:10
GoogleTranslate 翻譯
Xi He Ping was born in 1936, to commemorate the "Xi'an Incident" a peaceful solution,named " He Ping" in the turbulentwar years spent his childhood. She was very intelligent, beautiful and demure. Academicachievers. Just want to display their talent to serve themotherland, when a stormy style "Cultural Revolution" took heryoung life. At that time, SecretaryXi was caught, imprisoned until 1978 to lift it afterthe eldest daughter of the situation. Dryflat later told me:"My dad knew my sister's things afterall wept thewhole day crying eyes swollen father actuallysee such strongpain in my heart, like ... like Daozha...."
Xi Xi Zheng ning secretary's eldest son, born in 1940, is thenew County of Ningxia BorderRegion (now Shaanxi ProvincialHeritage Site), at 4-year-old was bring to the secretary and concerted practice Sisterside. Since then, together, as are rather like his own sister, care for me. Zhengning 1948Yan'an into nurseryschool, is a "cradleon horseback" in the revolutionof children. After the liberation,Zhengning in Xi'an, Beijing school. 1960was admitted to the China University ofTechnology, are united under the care of Sisterpersonally learn and grow.
1965 after graduating from the University of Zhengning, was assigned in the Qinling mountain valley of a research unitof work. Long notreused until smash "Gang of Four" was able to play in the future ofprofessional expertise andorganizational skills, presided overthe completion of a number of research projects in the research. By the end of 1979. He transferred to the Shaanxiprovincial work. Former Deputy Minister of Provincial Party CommitteeOrganization Department, provincialparty secretary (department level)and other staff. 1991 transferred to Hainan JusticeMinister. November 27, 1997, he passed away due tosudden onset of acute myocardialinfarction.
When the eldestdaughter learning tragic early death of peace. Secretaryfor learning blowgreat. Now theeldest son of Zhengning alsodied young. The familydid not dare tell the Xinjiang consumptionhabits secretary. He can not afford toworry about it again bitter blow. Sister-choCalls concerted childrenand staff, be sure to conceal this unfortunate habit secretaryforever.
During Zhengning onset emergency treatment, Bridge, Ann, Yuanpingbeen guarding his brother around. The day of Zhengning’s death, Jinping fora special trip to Hainan brother farewell. In2000, a positive shift rather ashes buriedin Lintong, Shaanxi. Buried that day, brothers and sisters all attended memorial.After the death of Zhengning, brothers and sisters brother filial generation.Often went to visit the mother of Hao ZhengningPearl, the elderly very moving. In 2006, Haosister's death, compliance with herwill, the nextshe was buried in the tomb of his son.

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-30 23:11
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-30 23:50 編輯

習和平出生在1936年 Xi He Ping was born in 1936
為紀念“西安事變” to commemorate the "Xi'an Incident"
和平解決 settle peacefully
取名“和平” named " He Ping"
在動盪不安的戰爭年代  in the turbulent war years
度過了童年 spent his childhood
她天資聰慧  She wasvery intelligent
嫻靜秀麗  beautiful
品學兼優 and demure
正當要報效祖國施展才華的時候  During the time she can serve the motherland with her talent
一場疾風暴雨式的“文化大革命” a stormy like “The Cultural Revolution”
奪走了她年輕的生命  took her young life
那時候  At that time
習書記身陷圖圈  Secretary Xi was caught in jail
直至1978年解除監禁後  until 1978 hewas released
才知道了大女兒的情況  she known his eldest daughter’s situation
乾平後來對我說 Qian Ping later told me
我爸爸知道我大姐的事情後 I knew Papa heard about big sister
整整一天都淚流不止 crying for a whole day
眼睛都哭腫了 Eyes swollen with tears
看到堅強的父親竟這樣痛苦 Sees the strong father unexpectedly such pain
我的心像刀扎一樣 feel as if a knife were piercing my heart

習書記的長子 Secretary Xi’s eldest son
習正寧 Xi Zheng Ning
1940年出生 was born in 1940
於陝甘寧邊區的新正縣 at Xinzheng County of Ningxia Border Region
今陝西省旬邑縣 now Shaanxi Provincial Xunyi County
4歲被送到習書記和齊心大姐身邊  at 4-year-old was bring to Secretary Xi and Qixin Sister
從此 Since then
齊大姐 Qixin Sister
視正寧如親生 as are rather like her own
呵護有加 taking care
正寧1948年入 1948 Zheng Ning enrolled in
延安保育院學 Yan'an nursery school

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-30 23:12
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-30 23:51 編輯

是“馬背上的搖籃”裡的 is “Cradle on horseback”
革命兒童 Revolution Children
解放後 After the liberation
正寧在西安、北京上學 Zheng Ning study at Xi'an, Beijingschool
1960年考入 1960 admitted to
中國科技大學 University of Science and Technology of China
都是在齊心大姐親自照料下 are under care of Qixin Sister
學習和成長的 study and grow

1965年正寧大學畢業後  Zheng Ning after graduating from theUniversity in 1965
被分配在 was assigned in
陝西秦嶺 the Qinling mountain
山溝裡的 valley of
一個科研單位工作 a research unit to work
長期不受重用 was unregarded all thetime
直到粉碎“四人幫”以後 until smash "Gang of Four"
才得以發揮專業特長 was able to play professional expertise
和組織才能 and organizational skills
主持完成了 presided over the completion of
不少科研課題的研究 a number of research projects
1979年底  at the end of 1979
他調到陝西省委工作 He transferred to the Shaanxi provincial work
曾任省委組織部副部長 was Deputy Minister of Provincial Party Committee Organization Department
省委政法委副書記 provincial party secretary
(正廳級)等職    (department level) and other staff
1991年調任 1991 transferredto
海南省司法廳廳長 Hainan Justice Minister
1997年11月27 日 November 27, 1997
他因突發急性心肌梗塞不幸逝世 he passed away due to sudden onset of acute myocardial infarction

當年大女兒習和平 When the eldest daughter Xi He Ping
的悲慘早逝 tragic early death
對習書記的打擊就很大 was a great impact for Secretary Xi
現在長子正寧又 Now the eldest son Zheng Ning’s
英年早逝  die young
家人不敢將  his family did not dare to

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-1-30 23:12
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-1-30 23:53 編輯

這一惡耗 The terrible news
告訴習書記  tell Secretary Xi
擔心他承受不了 worry abouthim cannot stand for this
這又一次的沉痛打擊 another painful blow
齊心大姐叮囑 Qixin Sister exhort
孩子和工作人員 children an staff
一定要對 be sure to
習書記 SecretaryXi
永遠隱瞞 to conceal forever
這個不幸 this unfortunate

在正寧發病 During Zheng Ning pathogenesis
搶救治療期間 emergency treatment
橋橋、安安、遠平 Qiao Qiao, An An, Yuan Ping
一直守護在哥哥身邊 been guarding his brother around
正寧逝世的當日 The day of Zhengning’s death
近平專程趕到海南 Jinping rush to Hainan
為兄長送別 farewell to his brother
2000年  In 2000
正寧骨灰 Ash of Zheng Ning
移葬 reburial
陝西臨潼 Shaanxi Lintong
入土的那一天 At the day of Burial
弟弟妹妹們 brothers and sisters
全部到場祭奠 all attend to the memorial
正寧逝世以後 After the death of Zheng Ning
弟弟妹妹們 brothers and sisters
代兄行孝 In place of brother
經常去探望正寧的生母郝明珠 Often went to visit the birth mother of Zheng Ning
使老人非常感動 that makes the elderly very moved
2006年  In 2006
郝大姐逝世 Sister Hao dead
遵其遺囑 compliance with her will
把她也安葬 she was buried
在兒子墓旁 next to the tomb of his son

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:18
1999年9月28日,中央派專機把習書記從深圳接回北京參加新中國成立50週年大慶。我到機場迎接時。正寧的兒子贊農也在場。 習書記下飛機看見贊農, 馬上問:“你爸爸呢?”我趕緊上前一步和習書記握手問候,故意岔開了這個話頭。
最讓齊心大姐感動的是1998年4月28日的中午,在深圳休養的習書記給回北京的齊心打了一個長途電話。在電話裡他問齊心: “我們結婚多少年啦?”大姐說:“55年啦!”習書記飽含深情地說:“我祝你健康長壽,福如東海,壽比南山。”齊心感到了話語中的份量,心頭頓生感慨,深情地說:“我對你照顧得很不夠啊!” 習書記聽後急了,說:“怎麼能這麼說?你對黨對人民忠誠,一生為革命做了很多工作,也為我做了大量的工作。有些是很重要的。

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:19
GoogleTranslate 翻譯
That day, buried, Bridge, Ann, Yuanping went to Xi'an. Off for theelderly, nearly flat for the elderly sent a wreath. Every Qingming Festival, sisters and brothers are rather time to pay homage tohis brother, his brother's mother should give flowers memorial, Honorifictitle "Mother Hao."
He Ping and Zheng Ning premature death and alsomakes me very shocked and sad. From Xi'an to Beijing. I watch them to grew up, HePing quiet, graciousness, being rather honest,humble, see my uncle always long, uncle short greeting. Especially Zheng Ning, as I re-servering SecretaryXi and secretary after his contact more. October 15, 1997, we also met84-year-old secretary in the habit birthday party, I asked in detail about hiswork. Zhengning also sincerely cho Well I must take care of themselves. Did notthink he died 42 days later. That meets becomes unexpectedly parts forever.
September 28, 1999, the central plane of the learningschool secretary fromShenzhen back to Beijingto attend the 50th anniversary ofthe founding of New China Daqing. When I went tothe airport to meet. Zheng Ning’s son Zan Nong wasalso present. Chan saw the plane under studyagriculture secretary, asked immediately: "Your father?" Iquickly stepped forward to shake hands and greetlearning secretary, deliberately turned away from this Buddist.
A long time, the old manalways see the positive rather figure. Have not heard from him, gradually havea sense of foreboding. When he was asked about the situation is rather when.Family and staff can only cover with white lies. Xi secretary after all, isrevolutionary storms experienced various tests, the future is rather longerasked the whereabouts of the missing Cangzaixinli alone. Later years still astrong will concern the cause of the party and the people.
United handin hand with learning secretary accompanied carrier58, they loveeach other. Courteous. Worktogether to foster a childZhongxiao, harmony and happiness in the family.
Sister united most touchingis noon April 28, 1998 in Shenzhen recuperating back to Beijing to studysecretary made a concerted long-distance calls. United on the phone, he asked:"We've been married for many years?" Sister said: "! 55 yearsit" Xi passionate secretary, said:. "I wish you good health andlongevity, welfare, such as the East China Sea, many happy returns" feelunited discourse weight, heart Dunsheng emotion, deep feeling: "! I toldyou to take care of a very inadequate ah" Xi anxious to hear secretary,said:? "how can you say that you are loyal to the party and the people,the life of the revolution done a lot of work, but also a lot of work for me.some of it is important.

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:20
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-2-1 23:21 編輯

入葬的那一天  The day Zheng Ning buried
橋橋、安安、遠平親赴西安 Qiao Qiao, An An, Yuan Ping went to Xi'an
為老人送行  Farewell for the elderly
近平為老人送了花圈  Jinping sent herwreath
每年清明節  Every Qingming Festival
正寧的弟弟妹妹們去  Zheng Ning's brothers and sisters
祭奠哥哥時  Pay homage to the brother
都要先給哥哥的生母獻花祭奠  should give flowers memorial
敬稱“郝媽媽” Honorifictitle"Mother Hao"
和平與正寧的早逝 The Early death ofHe Ping and ZhengNing
也使我十分震驚和悲傷 also makes me very shocked and sad
從西安到北京  From Xi'an to Beijing
我是看著他們長大的 I watch them to grew up
和平文靜、賢淑  He Ping quiet, graciousness
正寧忠厚、謙和 Zheng Ning honest, humble
見我總是 when they see me, they always
叔叔長、叔叔短的問候 greeting with repect
特別是正寧 Especially Zheng Ning
我重新擔任習書記秘書以後 I re-serving Secretary Xi as secretary
和他的聯繫比較多 more contact with him
1997年10月15日  October 15, 1997
我們 We
在習書記84歲壽辰的聚會上 in Secretary Xi's 84 years old birthday party
還見了面 met at
我詳細詢問了  I asked in detailabout
他的工作情況  his work
正寧還熱誠地叮囑我  Zheng Ning Also sincerely exhorted
一定保重身體 must keep take care myself
沒有想到42天後 Unexpectedly 42 days later
他就去世了 He passed away
那次相見 That meets
竟成永訣  becomes unexpectedly partsforever

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:22
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-2-1 23:24 編輯

1999年9月28日  September 28, 1999
中央  Central Committee of Communist Party of China
派專機  sent a plane
把習書記從深圳接回北京  bring Secretary Xi from ShenZhen to Bejing
參加  attend
新中國成立50週年大慶 50th anniversary of New China celebration
我到機場迎接時 WhenI went to the airport pick-up
正寧的兒子贊農也在場  Zheng Ning’s son Zan Nong
習書記下飛機 Secretary Xi got off from plane
看見贊農  saw Zan Nong
馬上問:“你爸爸呢?” asked immediately: “Where is your father?”
我趕緊上前一步  I quickly stepped forward
和習書記握手問候  to shake hands and greet Secretary Xi
故意  intentionally
岔開了  Branched off
這個話頭  this topic

時間長了  A long time
老人總見不到  the old man always cannot saw
正寧的身影  Zheng Ning
也聽不到他的消息  cannot heard news from him
漸漸有了  gradually have
不祥之感  Ominous feeling
當他詢問正寧的情況時  When he was asked about the situation of ZhengNing
家人和工作人員  Family and staff
只能用善意的謊言遮掩  can only cover with white lies
習書記畢竟是個  Secretary Xi is after all a
革命家  revolutionist
經歷過  experienced
各種大風大浪的考驗  the test of violent storms and waves
日後不再追問  no longer asked about
正寧的行蹤  whereabouts of Zheng Ning
獨自將思念藏在心裡  keep missing feeling in mine
晚年  Later years
仍以堅強的意志  He still had a strong willto
關心著黨和人民的事業  concern about party and civil matters

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:23
齊心與習書記  Secretary Xi and Qixin
攜手相伴58載  as Couples for 58 years
他們互相關愛  they loveeach other
相敬如賓  Courteous
共同培育了  together nurtured
一個兒女忠孝  a children filial piety
和睦幸福的  harmony and happiness
家庭  family

最讓齊心大姐感動的  Sister Qixin most touching was
是1998年4月28日的中午   at noon April 28, 1998
在深圳休養的  Recuperate in ShenZhen
習書記給回北京的齊心  Secretary Xi made Qixin in bejing
打了一個長途電話  a long distance call
在電話裡他  on the line he
問齊心  asked Qixin
我們結婚多少年啦 How long we have been married
大姐說  Big sister said
55年啦  55 years
習書記飽含深情地說  Secretary Xi soulful say
我祝你  I wish you
健康長壽  good health and longevity
福如東海  to be happy as immense as the East Sea(great good fortune)
壽比南山  live as long as the Southern Mountain (longlife)
齊心感到了話語中的份量  Qixin feel the earnestness
心頭頓生感慨  a sudden and devastating emotion
深情地說  with deep feeling say
我對你照顧得很不夠啊  I did not take care about you enough
習書記聽後急了  Secretary Xi heard, he got heated
說  said
怎麼能這麼說  How could you said that
你對黨對人民忠誠  Your loyalty to the party and the people
一生  your whole life
為革命  for revolution
做了很多工作  has done a lot of work
也為我  for me
做了大量的工作  you have done a lot of work
有些是很重要的  some of them are important

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:25
最苦難時獨擎天 ,
我在習書記身邊工作的20年,也是和齊心大姐密切相處的20 年。大姐幾十年如一日,行事低調,和和藹可親,對我們這些工作人員非常關心,經常虛寒問暖,我對她一直十分敬重。

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:25
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-2-1 23:28 編輯

GoogleTranslate 翻譯
“You must record this conversion, tell the kids, let them sensible. "By phone, secretary to accompany learning around the Bridge, said:" Your mother is a outstanding communist " Qixin according to her husband's Well, the contents of the call worm down and wrote to the children as a souvenir of this talk is!.they recall the couple accompanied by half acentury of life. this mutual consolation since reencouragement, is a Couples of the revolution moving noble sentiments resonate.
"Your mother is a outstanding communist!" Thisis a highly valued Secretary Xi and heartfelt praise for Qixin.
Big Sister apart secretary and concerted practice with foam, solidarity than half a century, not only one pair of revolutionary comrades witnessed historical changes, also a pair of like-minded, have a deep understanding of life happiness revolutionary companion.
Especially Big Sister Qixin in the busy work, both unknown to support the secretary's work habits contribute to, and devoted themselves to bringing up their children healthy growth of the culture, so that thefine style of this revolutionaryfamily from generation to generation in the difficult years to come. I can not help feeling:
Both carev. Zhongchang,
Accompanied by unusual life.
When most sufferingalone dyke,
Shi Chuan Yang FamilyStyle righteousness.
I worked 20 years in the Secretary Xi around, and also closely Sister Qixin along for 20 years.Sister several decades, low-key, and GE amiable, who are veryconcerned about the staff, frequentlyasked suck Deficiencywarm, I have greatrespect for her.
Today, the 90-year-old Sister Qixin is still united to organize Secretary Xi revolutionary career information and busy with Paul. Xi secretary said he was "fighting life, happy life; every struggle, feel happy every day." Sister concerted the same.

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:29
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-2-2 21:07 編輯

你要把我們這次通話記錄下來  You must record this conversion, ,
告訴孩子  tell the kids
讓他們明白事理  let them sensible
通過電話後  after the phone call
習書記對陪伴在身邊的橋橋說  Secretary Xi told Qiao Qiao who was next to him
你媽媽是個  Your mother is a
優秀的  outstanding
共產黨員  communist
齊心按照  Qixin according to
丈夫的囑咐  her husband's injunctionl
把通話的內容追記下來  record down the contents of this call
並寫給兒女  and wrote to daughter
作為留念  as souvenir
這次通話是  This call is
他們夫妻相伴半個多世紀的  the couple accompanied by half a century of
人生追憶  life remembrance
這種互相慰藉  this mutual consolation
真誠勉勵  sincere encouragement
是一對革命伴侶  is a couplesof revolution parnter's
高尚情操的  noble sentiments
動人共鳴  moving resonate

你媽媽是個優秀的共產黨員  Your mother is a outstanding communist
這是習書記對齊心的  This is Secretary Xi give Qixin
高度評價 highly valued
和衷心讚譽  and Heartfelt praise

習書記和齊心大姐 Secretary Xi and Big Sister Qixin
相濡以沫  help and support each other when both are in humble circumstances
憂戚與共  distressed altogether
半個多世紀  more than half century
既是一對見  not only one pair of
證歷史巨變的  witnessed historical changes
革命戰友  revolutionary comrades
也是一對志同道合  also a pair of like-minded
對人生幸福有深刻理解的  have a deep understanding of life happiness
革命伴侶  revolutionary companion

作者: cherklung    時間: 2015-2-1 23:35
本帖最後由 cherklung 於 2015-2-2 21:07 編輯

特別是齊心大姐  Especially Big Sister Qixin
在繁忙工作的同時  in the busy work
既默默無聞地為  unsung to
支持習書記的工作做貢獻  support the secretary's work
又在艱難歲月中 Also in the difficult years to come
含辛茹苦  bear bitter hardships
撫育培養子女  upbringing children
健康成長  healthly growth
使這個革命家庭的  Made this revolutionary family's
優良作風  fine style
得以代代相傳  from generation to generation
我不禁感慨  I have filled witha thousand regrets

兩地牽掛訴衷腸   From tow places tell the sadness of separation
一生相伴非尋常   Whole life accompanies is unusual
最苦難時獨擎天  When mostsuffering undertake on her own
家風世傳正氣揚  Family style spreading righteousness

我在習書記身邊工作的20年  I worked for Secretary Xi for 20 years
也是和齊心大姐密切相處的20年  Also work closely with Sister Qixin
大姐幾十年如一日  Big sister keep constant over decades
行事低調  keep a low profile
和和藹可親  and amiable
對我們這些工作人員非常關心  care the staff
經常虛寒問暖  give us assiduous and thoughtful attention
我對她一直十分敬重  I respect her very much

如今  Today
90歲高齡的齊心大姐 the 90-year-old Sister Qixin
仍然在為整理  still sort out
習書記革命生涯有關資料  Secretary Xi revolutionarycareer information
而忙碌著  busy with
習書記  Secretary Xi
說自己是  said he was
戰鬥一生  whole life fighting
快樂一生  whole life happiness
天天奮鬥  everyday struggle
天天快樂  feel happy every day
齊心大姐同樣如此  Sister Qixin also the same

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-2-27 00:26
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-2-27 10:12 編輯


Revolution partner harmonious family

secretary xi and sister lived together for 58 years 58 years. They was  a pair of revolutionary comrades, also a pair of like-minded partner.

作者: 吳岩鷲    時間: 2015-2-27 10:25
本帖最後由 吳岩鷲 於 2015-2-27 11:12 編輯

April 28, 1944,secretary xi and Suide Teachers As a Party branch committee Qixin ,They married.Their wedding Very simple.In the past ,Had no time to enjoy the happy time.Since then,accompanied by concerted secretary xi spent a total of 58 years.
Just married,secretary xi said,Qixin Since then,We closely.I'm afraid we have suffered criticism,Next day. I could not take care of you. Qixin was still in love with her husband  but a better  understanding of her husband,She knew he was a great responsibility.In his life, the most important is the revolutionary work

   .Maximum support to her husband, just do not give him any trouble.In the past four or five years, secretary xi and Qixin busy, can only rely on correspondence.But she was in those years, her husband did not have any of the requirements of good treatment.
1944-1949,at Suide County, Qixin spent a lot of time in the countrysideworked ,And participate in land reform.At the time,secretary xi  worked in the Northwest Bureau .Yan'an from hundreds of kilometers away from Qixin,s home.So for a long time can not be met,He usually only rely on letters and her ties.In the letter, he also worried about her, and encouraged her to Humble work.


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