Antoine Pierre解釋說,在法國經常有示威,遊行場地如戰場,示威過後會留下大量垃圾,可以用滿目瘡痍來形容,「我連日來由銅鑼灣、金鐘到尖沙嘴及旺角多個集會區,每個地方均好乾淨,垃圾全部包好。」
Antoine Pierre說,無論義工或參與集會人士均有良好紀律,示威人士自動自覺將垃圾放在垃圾箱,義工便收集起來,更將膠樽分類,「我覺得很神奇,人人都好自律。在法國就沒有這回事」。
Greetings world. We are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that recent tactics used against peaceful protestors here in the United States have found their way to Hong Kong.
To the protestors in Hong Kong, we have heard your plea for help. Take heart and take to your streets. You are not alone in this fight. Anonymous members all over the world stand with you, and will help in your fight for democracy.
To the Hong Kong police and any others that are called to the protests, we are watching you very closely and have already begun to wage war on you for your inhumane actions against your own citizens. If you continue to abuse, harass or harm protestors, we will continue to deface and take every web-based asset of your government off line.
That is not a threat. It is a promise. Attacking protestors will result in releasing personal information of all of your government officials. We will seize all your databases and e-mail pools and dump them on the Internet.
This is your first and only warning. The time has come for Democracy for the citizens of Hong Kong. The line has been drawn in the sand. The police are to protect, not trample on, the freedoms and democracy of their citizens. Until justice prevails hack and protest will replace it. The cause of security and democracy will be grounds for the assault on your virtual infrastructure.
Take this opportunity to stand down while we give it to you, or it will get a lot worse. Operation Hong Kong engaged.
We Are Anonymous. We Are Legion. We do Not Forgive. We do Not Forget. Government of Hong Kong, expect us.作者: CarmenNg 時間: 2014-10-2 17:40
Slate:The World’s Politest Protesters
大約15分鐘後,有人說現在要帶50-100人衝出干諾道中佔領馬路,我心想,有這麼易嗎?我們一行50人穿過一個草叢,眼看身邊的警察沒有任何舉動,成功衝了出馬路,沒有衝擊,沒有突圍,因為根本沒有受到任何阻截。後來我明白了,前線警察沒有收到 order 要守那個草叢,所以沒有人看守,警察就是只懂收 order 做嘢,不懂變通。這是第二個柒。
this author 奇雲 is very biased.
he used the example of GUAM to describe the American ruling process to help them develop democracy.
If anyone has been to GUAM and spoken to the locals, they would have known the American do not care about their democracy, development or anything related to local people. The only thing the American care about is the location of their Naval base.
Yes, 董建華 and other CEs are very rubbish. If anyone try to use the western democratic process to compare with HK, they are having a laugh.作者: CarmenNg 時間: 2014-10-7 10:47
【 旺角人民路障 2.0 】
我主要在物資站當值,至於衝鋒陷陣、應付土共叔父等,就由其他好 man 的手足代勞。物資站的工作,大概有點像開士多,最大分別,除了是沒有錢銀交收外,就是要提醒自己時刻戒備,遇上突發事情(例如路障被拆、現場發生衝突)要趕快遞上大聲公、梯、索帶、眼罩等作戰物資。市民送上物資時亦要檢查清楚,玻樽裝物品、火酒(易燃品)或宣傳品一概謝絕接收。金鐘一些物資站就曾出現幾條來歷不明的鐵通,若沒及時發現,隨時有可能被屈藏有攻擊性武器。