
標題: 放開手印 - 有助身心排毒 / Ksepana Mudra - Eliminates Toxins of Body... [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-6-24 22:36
標題: 放開手印 - 有助身心排毒 / Ksepana Mudra - Eliminates Toxins of Body...
放開手印 - 有助身心排毒 / Ksepana Mudra - Eliminates Toxins of Body & Mind


Getting difficult to flush out bodily toxins? Disturbed by negative emotions? Try Ksepana Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 雙手的十指互扣
interlock fingers of both hands

2. 伸直雙手的食指
straighten index fingers of both hands

3. 左拇指蓋在右拇指上
place left thumb on top of right thumb

■ 放開手印的功效
Benefits of Ksepana Mudra

1. 強化肺部的呼氣能力,以排出體內的濁「氣」
strengthens exhaling power of lungs, for explusion of negative "chi" in body

2. 改善大腸蠕動,以排出體內的有毒物、雜質
enhances bowel-movement of large intestine, for elimination of waste & impurities

3. 有助皮膚更好地出汗,以排出內層皮膚的毒素
enhances better skin-sweating, for removal of toxins beneath inner-skin

4. 有助紓緩便秘
alleviates constipation

5. 有助排空情緒上的負極性,諸如︰沮喪、惱怒、憤慨等
drains emotional negativity, like frustration, irritation, anger, etc

6. 有助提升專注力及進入冥想狀態
boosts concentration & enhances process of meditation

■ 注意

1. 沒有練習次數的上限
no limit for number of practice trial

2. 每次宜練習3-10分鐘
practise each time for 3-10 minutes

3. 有需要時練習
practise whenever needed


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