
標題: 時神手印 - 終止成癮行為 / Kaleshvara Mudra - Ceases Addictive Behav... [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-6-8 13:50
標題: 時神手印 - 終止成癮行為 / Kaleshvara Mudra - Ceases Addictive Behav...
時神手印 - 終止成癮行為 / Kaleshvara Mudra - Ceases Addictive Behaviour


Addicted to internet, liquor, alcohol, drugs, gambling? Restless & whimiscal, in an uncontrollable manner? Try Kaleshvara Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 兩手的食指、無名指、尾指,向掌心屈曲
bend index, ring, little fingers of both hands inwards into palm

2. 兩手的拇指、中指,保持伸直
extend thumbs & middle fingers of both hands

3. 兩手的中指指尖、拇指指尖,互相連接
connect tips of middle fingers, thumbs of both hands, correspondingly

4. 兩手其餘手指的指背,互相連接
connect backs of remaining fingers of both hands, correspondingly

■ 時神手印的功效
Benefits of Kaleshvara Mudra

1. 安撫焦慮的思緒及不安感,以達至平靜的心境
pacifies anxious mind & agitated feelings, for attainment of mental peacefulness

2. 消除先入為主的習性,及從世俗中習得的對人、事、物的偏見
eliminates habitual preconception & worldly prejudice

3. 有助袪除負面性格特質及成癮的行為模式
eliminates negative character trait or addictive patterns of behaviour

4. 有助強化心臟功能
strenghthens function of heart

5. 提高記憶力及專注力
boosts memory & concentration power

■ 注意

1. 每天練習次數不限;每次練習5-10分鐘
practise unlimited times per day; each time for 5-10 minutes

2. 練習時,雙心置於心臟前方,可達更佳效果
for better effect, practise with hands held in front of heart center

3. 適合任何時候練習
suitable to practise at any moment


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