
標題: 貝殼手印 - 改善發音障礙 / Shankh Mudra - Improves Speech Disorder [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-5-27 19:04
標題: 貝殼手印 - 改善發音障礙 / Shankh Mudra - Improves Speech Disorder
貝殼手印 - 改善發音障礙 / Shankh Mudra - Improves Speech Disorder


Stammmmmmering, hoarse speech? Sore throat, discomfort in tonsil? Try Shankh Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 以右手食指、中指、無名指、尾指,包裹左手拇指
encircle left thumb with right index, middle, ring & little fingers

2. 以右手的手指背部,依偎著左手手掌
lay back of right fingers on left palm

3. 以右手拇指的指尖,連接左手中指的指尖
connect right tip of thumb with left tip of middle finger

4. 合攏左手的其餘手指,如同海螺般形狀
gathers rest of left fingers together, to form a conch-like shape

5. 雙手置放於胸骨前
hold hands in front of sternum

■ 貝殼手印的功效
Benefits of Shankh Mudra

1. 調整聲帶的的音高及共振,以提升發聲時的音質
fine-tunes vocal cord 's pitch & resonance, to promote quality of speech

2. 改善發音障礙,如口吃、聲音沙啞等
improves speech disorder, like stammering & hoarse specch

3. 紓緩喉嚨痛及肩桃體的不適
alleivates discomfort of sore throat & tonsil

4. 平衡甲狀腺素的分泌
balances secretion of thyroxine

5. 改善身體部位的灼熱感
improves feverish, burning feeling of body parts

6. 改善肌肉癱瘓、虛弱無力
improves weakness & paralysis of muscle

7. 紓緩過敏症,尤其由煙塵引起的過敏症狀
alleviates allergic disorder, particularly allergies induced by dust & smoke

■ 注意

1. 可以同樣方式,反轉左右手練習
can be practiced with reversing hands

2. 每天練習3次,每次練習15分鐘
practise 3 times per day; each time for 15 minutes

3. 練習其間,若身體出現發胖的情況,可酌量減少練習時間
in case of body-fattening amid practice, may reduce duration of practice accordingly

4. 有需要時練習,尤其適合歌手、律師、講者
practise whenever needed, particularly suitable for singers, lawyers & speakers


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