
標題: 沉思手印 - 銳化專注力 / Dhyana Mudra - Sharpens Concentration [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-5-23 11:43
標題: 沉思手印 - 銳化專注力 / Dhyana Mudra - Sharpens Concentration
沉思手印 - 銳化專注力 / Dhyana Mudra - Sharpens Concentration


Disturbed mind, hard to be tranquilly at peace? Uncoordinated functioning of organs? Try Dhyana Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 兩手置放大腿上,掌心朝上
place 2 hands on lap, with palm facing upwards

2. 一掌置放另一掌上
place 1 palm on top of another

3. 連接兩手拇指的指尖
connect tips of thumbs of both hands

4. 其餘手指形成碗狀
form a bowl-shape with rest of fingers

■ 沉思手印的功效
Benefits of Dhyana Mudra

1. 紓緩思緒導向的不適,諸如︰失眠、惡夢、健忘、易怒、抑鬱
alleviates mind-oriented ailments, such as insomnia, nightmare,  forgetfulness, irritability, depression

2. 洗滌及更迭情緒能量,開發正念,引發靈性的覺醒
cleans & renews emotional energy, develops mindfulness & invokes spiritual awakening

3. 促進警敏性,改善專注力及記憶力
promotes alertness, improves concentration & memory

4. 使高血壓及低血壓正常化
normalises high & low blood pressurea

5. 更好地協調左、右大腦的溝通
coordinates better communication between 2 brain hemispheres

6. 促進腹式呼吸,及更有效地吸收營養
facilitates diaphragmatic breathing & promotes efficient assimilation of nutrients

7. 強化全身的肌肉,活化身體的器官 (心臟、肺臟、胰臟、腎等)及脊柱神經
strengthens bodily muscle, activates bodily organs ( heart. lungs, pancreas, kidneys ) & spinal nerves

■ 注意

1. 練習時,鼻吸鼻呼;及最好閉上雙眼
during practice, maintain nasa breathing; best to practise with closed eyes

2. 每次至少練習10-15分鐘
practise each time for at least 10-15 minutes

3. 尤其適合難以心靜、繁忙的都市人
particularly suitable for hectic, disturbed metropolitans


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