
標題: 大頭手印 - 紓緩頭痛 / Mahasirs Mudra - Relieves Headaches [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-5-22 17:01
標題: 大頭手印 - 紓緩頭痛 / Mahasirs Mudra - Relieves Headaches
大頭手印 - 紓緩頭痛 / Mahasirs Mudra - Relieves Headaches


Outbreak of migraine & headache? Feeling vulnerable due to long-accumulated stress ? Try Mahasirs Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 以拇指指尖,連接食指、中指的指尖
connect tips of thumb to tips of index & middle finger

2. 屈曲無名指至掌心
bend ring finger into palm

3. 伸直尾指
extend little finger

■ 大頭手印的功效
Benefits of Mahasirs Mudra

1. 重新平衡過度集中於頭部的能量
re-balances overly-concentrated energy in head

2. 紓緩頭部痛楚,如偏頭痛、頭痛
relieves head-related afflictions : migraine, headache

3. 有助袪除前鼻竇的黏膜阻塞
helps eliminate mucous congestion in frontal sinuses

4. 有助釋放壓力
invokes tension-relieving effect

5. 對眼部勞損、背痛,有輔助性的紓緩效果
relieves eye-strain & back pain in a way

6. 有效改善專注力及思維清晰度
improves concentration & mental clarity

■ 注意

1. 有需要時練習
practise whenever needed

2. 每次練習6分鐘
practise each time for 6 minutes

3. 若有需要,可延長練時間,以舒適為度
if necessary, extend duration of practice as long as being comfortable

4. 最好兩手同時進行
best to perform with 2 hands


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