
標題: 禮敬手印 - 培育謙遜之心 / Namaskar Mudra - Fosters Humility [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-5-4 12:45
標題: 禮敬手印 - 培育謙遜之心 / Namaskar Mudra - Fosters Humility
禮敬手印 - 培育謙遜之心 / Namaskar Mudra - Fosters Humility


Being arrogrant to the extent of inflated ego? Nervouness in face of hectic lifestyle? Try Namaskar Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 雙手放置至胸骨前方
hold both hands in front of breastbone

2. 雙掌平坦地接觸,並手指朝天
connect both palms flat together, with fingers pointing upwards

■ 敬禮手印的功效
Benefits of Namaskar Mudra

1. 削弱不健康的自負感及虛榮感;培育謙遜感
dwindles unhealthy inflated ego & empty glory ; cultivates humility

2. 連接及平衡理性及直覺的能量流
connects & baalnces energetic currents of rationailty & intuitiveness

3. 紓緩壓力及焦慮;促進內心的平靜;改善集中力
relieves stress & anxiety; promotes inner calm; Improves concentration

4. 強化心臟肌肉;提高手臂、手腕及手指的柔韌性
strengthens heart muscle; enhances flexibility in arms, wrists & fingers

5. 提升靈性的成長
enhances spiritual growth

■ 注意

1. 沒有練習時間的限制;以舒適為度
no limit for duration of practice; practise as long as being comfortable

2. 適合任何時候練習
suitable to practise at any moment


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