
標題: 啟迪手印 - 替內在能量充電 / Uttarabodhi Mudra - Charges Inner Pow... [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-4-14 16:56
標題: 啟迪手印 - 替內在能量充電 / Uttarabodhi Mudra - Charges Inner Pow...
啟迪手印 - 替內在能量充電  / Uttarabodhi Mudra - Charges Inner Power Reservoirs


Lack of positivity & pleasure? Uneasy status of body & mind? Try Uttarabodhi Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 所有手指 (除了拇指、食指) 相扣
interlocks all fingers ( except thumb & index finger )

2. 接連兩手的食指指尖
connect tips of index fingers of both hands

3. 接連兩手的拇指指尖
connect tips of thumb of both hands

4. 食指指向上方
point index fingers upwards

5. 拇指指向下方
point thumbs downwards

■ 啟迪手印的功效
Benefits of Uttarabodhi Mudra

1. 放鬆緊繃的神經
relaxes tightened nerves

2. 強化肺臟、大小腸及心臟的功能
strengthens power of lung, intestines & heart

3. 強化「氣」(生命能量)的循環,及有助替內在的能量庫充電
strengthens circulation of "chi" (life energy) & charges inner power reservoirs

4. 降底恐懼感及提高內在自信
reduces fear & boosts inner confidence.

5. 改善集中力及靈感
improves concentration & inspiration

■ 注意

1. 練習時,雙手放置在接近胃部的位置
practise with hands placed next to stomach

2. 每天的練習次數、時間,沒有限制
No limit for number of trials & number of minutes per day

3. 最好晨間練習
best to practise amid morning


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