
標題: 金鷹手印 - 擺脫困阨感 / Garuda Mudra - Handles Distress [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-3-21 21:03
標題: 金鷹手印 - 擺脫困阨感 / Garuda Mudra - Handles Distress
金鷹手印 - 擺脫困阨感 / Garuda Mudra - Handles Distress


Trapped with hopelessness & confusion ? Restricted breathing? Try Garuda Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 舉起雙手,掌心朝己
raise both hands, with palms facing oneself

2. 雙手交叉,右手掌置於左手掌後方
intercross both hands, with right palm behind left one

3. 兩手拇指扣緊
clasp thumbs of both hands

4. 伸直其餘手指
extend rest of fingers

5. 兩手分別放置接近盆骨、肚臍及胸骨位置一會兒
place both hands near pelvic region, navel region & sternum, respectively for a moment

■ 金鷹手印的功效
Benefits of Garuda Mudra

1. 提供重要器官 ( 例如︰心臟、肺臟、腎臟及胃 ) 更多的能量
energises vital organs, e.g. heart, lungs, kidneys & stomach

2. 平衡左右身體的能量及血液循環
balances energy & blood circulation on both sides of body

3. 紓緩月經疼痛、及與前列腺有關的毛病
alleviates menstruational pain & prostate-gland-related discomfort

4. 緩和疲累感及情緒波動
eases exhaustion & mood fluctuations

5. 傳說,可阻止蛇類的冒犯、及讓雀鳥更易親近
per legend, protects against snakes & connects more easily with birds

■ 注意

1. 每天練習3次,每次練習4-5分鐘
practise 3 times per day; each time for 4-5 minutes

2. 高血壓患者,只宜適量地練習
for individuals with high blood pressure, practise only with moderation

3. 為強化局部地區的療癒效果,可延長雙手停留該地區的時間
for better restorative effect on a region, may delay the placement of hands near that region


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