
標題: 上行氣手印 - 強化免疫系統 / Prana Mudra - Boosts Immune System [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-2-4 19:10
標題: 上行氣手印 - 強化免疫系統 / Prana Mudra - Boosts Immune System
上行氣手印 - 強化免疫系統 / Prana Mudra - Boosts Immune System


Lost vitality?Sickly health ? Try Prana Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 以無名指、尾指指尖,觸碰拇指指尖
connect tip of ring finger to tip of thumb

2. 伸直其餘手指
extend rest of fingers

■ 上行氣手印的功效
Benefits of Prana Mudra

1. 暢通上行氣(生命能量)在身體的流動
optimizes flow of prana (life energy) in body

2. 強化免疫系統
boosts immune system

3. 改善視力、活力及個人自信
improves eyesight, vitality & self-confidence

4. 改善血液流動、循環及淨化
improves blood flow, circulation & purification

■ 注意

1. 每天練習30-45分鐘
practise each day for 30-45 minutes

2. 最好兩手同時進行

best to perform with 2 hands

3. 任何時間都適合練習
suitable to practise at any time, any moment

4. 咳嗽及感冒期間,不宜練習
skip the performance, in case of cough & cold


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