
標題: 阿姜查 Movie [打印本頁]

作者: coffee    時間: 2017-1-15 12:36
標題: 阿姜查 Movie
阿姜查 Movie


作者: 容燥兒    時間: 2017-1-16 12:51

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作者: 容燥兒    時間: 2017-1-16 18:24

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作者: coffee    時間: 2017-1-17 00:57

Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia shared Dhammagiri Foundation, Sangharama & Ajahn Cagino's post.13 hrs ·

今天1月16日,是阿姜查纪念日, 成千的弟子从四海归来,聚集在农巴蓬寺,在这一天意念阿姜查这一位无上导师的恩德和教诲。
Today, 16 Jan, is Ajahn Chah‘s Remembrance Day. Thousands of Sangha & lay disciples assemble in Wat Pat Pong for remembrance of Ajahn Chah and his teaching ..
~Posted by CCSiak

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Dhammagiri Foundation, Sangharama & Ajahn Cagino added 11 new photos — with Kw Chan.Like Page14 hrs ·
今天1月16日,是阿姜查纪念日, 成千的弟子从四海归来,聚集在农巴蓬寺,在这一天意念阿姜查这一位无上导师的恩德、的教诲。
Today, 16 Jan, is Ajahn Chah Remembrance Day. Thousands of sangha members & lay disciples assemble at Wat Pat Pong , for remembrance of Ajahn Chah and his Dhamma ..

阿姜查与其弟子的法语 (摘录至法山2017年日历):-
let's rejoice by reflecting on the quotes from Ajahn Chah & some of his disciples (extracted from Dhammagiri 2017 desk calendar):-
*Ajahn Chah 阿姜查*
Train yourself. You have to train. Don't just hang around.
好好修行, 一定要磨砺自己, 不要无所事事。
Training is not about exhausting yourself. It's about making your mind 'just right' for the Dhamma.
修行不是要把人耗尽, 而是如何使你们的心恰到好处与法相应。
*Ajahn Piak 阿姜毗呀*
The average person has a huge amount of kilesa. Just to recognise that one has a lot of kilesas is ready a big step.
一般人有一大堆的烦恼, 仅仅是认出有很多烦恼已经是一大进步。
*Ajahn Sumedho 阿姜苏美多*
If you're willing to learn from the suffering in life, you'll find the unshakability of your own mind.
原意从生命的苦难中学习的话, 你的心将变得不动摇。
*Ajahn Anan 阿姜阿南*
When we see the Dhamma, we see the Buddha. We see Buddha - Dhamma - Sangha indivisibly together at the same moment.
见到了法, 就见到佛; 见佛 见法 见僧 是同时见的。
If we understand and realise the Dhamma, then we will see the Buddha in our heart.
要是我们明白和证悟佛法, 那么我们会在自己心中见到佛。
*Luang Por Liem 隆波连*
In the practice of Dhamma, things progress bit by bit. It is not possible to force or hurry things in any way.
佛法的修行是细水长流的工作, 必须按部就班进行, 绝对不可勉强急进。
Our body is just a vessel for inquiry, for giving rise to an understanding of reality.
我们的身体只是个容器, 用来盛装了解真理的智慧。
Being awake gives rise to Right Viee and feelings of peace.
清醒地过活 能令正见生起,, 使你内心寂靜。
*Ajahn Dtun 阿姜旦*
One's thoughts do not arise from trees, houses, cars or one's personal wealth. Rather, all thoughts, or dukkha, originate from within one's mind.
我们的念头不是从树木 房子 汽车 或者个人的财产里面生出来的, 念头或苦都是从我们的内心生出来。
We endeavour to have mindfulness watching the mind, being present in every moment, knowing what the mind is thinking, whether it be good or bad.
我们竭尽所能保持念住观照这颗心, 念念觉知, 不管心在想些什么, 想好的坏的都了了分明。
And so in the days and nights that have passed by, have you given any consideration to death or not? Or have the days been allowed to pass by unproductively?
日夜不断流逝, 你们有没有想到过死亡呢? 还是依旧荒度时日, 让时间白白过去?

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